Nanosatellites as the Base of Monitoring System for the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Currents. A.N.Zaitsev*, IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow region, , RUSSIA * IKI, Profsouznaya str.84/32, Moscow, , RUSSIA UN / Russian Federation / European Space Agency / Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Space Research Workshop on the Use of Micro-Satellite Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Impact to Human Health 3-7 September 2007, Kaluga region, Tarusa, RUSSIA
Facts about Nanosats - CubeSats CubeSat invented by Prof. R.Twiggs at 1999 MicroSat-CubeSat development based on the Amateur Radio OSCAR satellites for 30 years AX 25 protocol and VHF Amateurs Radio bands used as the standard tools for CubeSats 80 universities in 28 countries conduct the projects to design and to launch of the nanosatellites Recent Conference about Microsat and CubeSat * 21-st Small Satellite Conference held in Utah at August Top space experts, astronauts, Air Force officials and even Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak take part in it * Special Workshop devoted to CubeSat was held at August 12, 2007 before Small Satellite Conference
scale size 10 cm, weight 1 kg CubeSat - PC in Space scale size 10 cm, weight 1 kg Advantages – small budget projects, modern high-tech microtechnologies, the group of student will fulfill the task for one academic year, COTS and the kit exist to make the CubeSat HIT-Sat, JAPAN University of Tokyo’s XI-IV Cubesat
PicoSats (CubeSat) launched by SSETI-Express at September 27, 2005 The Norwegian Student Satellite Project - NCUBE, call LA1CUB, Mhz University of Würzburg, Germany and Aalborg University, Denmark, Mhz University of Tokyo, call JQ1YCW, telemetry, beacon
CubeSat bus and development board
How to launch the CubeSat ? Special P-POD (Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer) system designed and used now for CubeSats or any sat with multiple factor of 3 The few CubeSats were deployed from SSETI satellite with P-POD system Separate launch is possible on Dnepr launcher SSETI satellite general view
Control station for CubeSat operation Standard configuration include : -VHF transciever ICOM-910 -Yeasu G-5500 X-Z rotator -TNC-3 radio link controller -PC and Internet link
Best Amateur Radio Microsat OSCAR-51: Nanosat scale size 30 cm, weight 10 kg Analog Uplink: MHz FM (PL - 67Hz) MHz FM (PL - 67Hz) Analog Downlink: MHz FM, MHz FM PSK-31 Uplink MHz USB Digital Uplink: MHz 9600 bps, AX MHz 9600 bps AX.25 Digital Downlink: MHz 9600 bps, AX MHz 38,400 bps, AX.25 All details about OSCAR satellites On Launched at July 2005 and operate successfully
Nanosat as monitoring tool for earthquakes – QuakeSat (Quakefinder) QuakeSat launched at June 30, 2003 and operate till now Hundreds of small and medium scale earthquakes detected and analyzed Main instrument – ULF magnetometer on satellite and on the ground level Scientific goal – to find a precursors of earthquakes Few tenths of schools and point of observations in California take part in the research and educational project Quakefinder
The list of CubeSats which operate in space as at summer 2007 Cute-1, launch at June 30, 2003 QuakeSat, launch at June 30, 2003 CubeSat Xi-IV, launch at June 30, 2003 CubeSat Xi-V, launch at October 27, 2005 UWE-1, launch at October 27, 2005 NCube-2, launch at October 27, 2005 Cute APD, launch at February 21, 2006 HIT-SAT, launch at September 22, 2006 The launch by DNEPR at April 17, 2007 CP3, CP4 – standard CubeSats MAST – experiment with 3 CubeSats CAPE1 - University of Lousiana CSTB1 – technological nanosat of BOEING AeroCube – technological nanosat of Aerospace Libertad-1 – University of C.Arboleda, Columbia
Educational “Northern Lights” nanosat – proposal from Troitsk Youth Center “Space Physics and Informatics”, see The tasks for educational program : To build up of electrical prototype of “Northern Lights” nanosat To conduct the test for telemetry channel on radio amateurs band with usage of RK3DXB station in Troitsk as the control site To write the reference book in Russian about picosats To collect and to test of software pack to operate with picosat To connect with the prototypes of sensors which might be used in real construction of nanosat To present our results on conferences devoted to microsats To find support and funding to fulfill the work with the real flight nanosat unit after 2008
Information resources on Russian which useful for microsat educational programs
Scientific tasks for CubeSat developments and CubeSat based science missions GPS occulting as observed on the satellites Magnetometers as the navigation and observational tools CCD cameras in different spectral bands QuakeSat-2 project under development in Stanford University Technology tests for space materials Real-Time observations of ionospheric currents from LEO orbits At 2007 NSF announce the program from 2008 to use of CubeSat technology for space weather and atmospheric research and education through development, building, launch, operation, and data analysis of small scientific satellite missions based on CubeSat – exp.funding from 5 milllions $ per year CubeSat science missions have not limitations in view of tremendous progress in electronics and nanotechnology
Real-Time observations of ionospheric current on the base of ground magnetometers, see Real-Time observations of ionosphe parameters conducted by radars (SuperDarn project), see
Polar substorm disturbances The polar disturbances are the main features in the space weather effects Sd current system of substorm on the ionosphere level Auroral oval display the instantaneous global position of aurora aurora
Our proposal - Monitoring System for the Ionosphere- Magnetosphere Currents The background - The pilot experiments Satellite Warning of Auroral Zone Increases (SWAZI) as Estimated Ionospheric Current Patterns was tested on FREJA satellite at 1986 Educational project with “Northern Lights” nanosat initiated by small venture INTEKH in the Troitsk Youth Center “Space Physics and Informatics” which is under study at After pilot study of “Northern Lights” nanosat at 2008 we can offer the real proposal for the Monitoring System of the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Currents Nanosats are under test by RNIIKP and discussed by Moscow University, Bauman Tech University and others which include magnetometers in their projects The goals of space weather are widely discussed in Russian Academic Institutes ( IKI, IZMIRAN, PGI etc.) and they able to utilize of space magnetometer data for space weather service
Prof. R.Twiggs in SSDL / Stanford University
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