Academic Gap Reduction Trends, Kansas Reading Data, Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner, Kansas State Dept. of Education March 6, 2014 Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner, Kansas State Dept. of Education March 6, 2014
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Kansas Student Population Trends (Percent of K-12, September Unaudited Enrollment, Public Schools) 6
Who are the students scoring below proficient? Let’s focus on the 4,743 third graders below proficient in
3 rd Grade Students Scoring Below Standard in Reading, 2011 Data (n = 4,743) Kansas State Dept. of Education Retention Database, Accountability Population total within category% Currently receiving free or reduced?3, % Ever receive free or reduced lunch?3, % Ever retained or delayed school entry before? % Ever been a Student with a Disability?1, % Currently with a disability and receiving free or reduced? % Currently an English Language Learner?1, % Currently ELL and receiving free or reduced? % Ever reported truant? %