Goals for Today’s Training Define leadership Review strategies for effective communication increasing Council member participation supporting diversity Increase our understanding of role of Councils working collaboratively (Side-by-Side) self-assessment Provide additional Resources & Information
Effective Leadership for Council Members (Daft, 2011)
One Definition of Leadership
“Listen to understand, not just to reply.” Approachable Sets the tone Available Builds reliability Fair Promotes inclusion Transparent Builds trust Open-minded Fosters opportunity Communication
Participation Encourage participation from ALL Check-in Accommodations – peer support during meetings Decreasing distractions Evaluate meeting procedures
Diversity Diversity DD Act Culturally Competent Practices Including diverse members Know the cultural make-up of your state Membership committee Acknowledge each other’s contributions Model respect and consideration for all “We are strengthened by our diversity and empowered by our inclusiveness.” (Ohio Office for Disability and Inclusion)
Resource Break The Board Chair Handbook (Hard copy) Council Meeting Evaluations (Included in packet) Center for Creative Leadership
“Stay focused on the mission.” Communicating the Vision, Mission and Purpose of DD Councils DD Act …DD Councils engage in advocacy, capacity building and systemic change activities …to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families have access to community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote: self- determination, independence, productivity and integration and inclusion. Leading the Charge
Leading the Charge - Advocacy Advocacy comes in many forms Self-advocacy – Ricardo & Kelly Ricardo Kelly DD ACT Mandates on advocacy Other examples of advocacy Advocating for inclusive services Advocating for public policy and laws Other forms??
Leading the Charge – Capacity Building Capacity Building can be individual and organizational Increases the ability of individuals to better meet their needs. Increases an organization’s ability to better support people with developmental disabilities and their families to ________________.
“…those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” (George Bernard Shaw) Leading the Charge – Systems Change Leading the Charge – Systems Change "Systems change" A shift in how a community makes decisions about policies and programs A shift in how money is spent A shift in the way services are delivered “Systems change” can take collaboration among many different agencies or within one agency. It must involve the community and stakeholders.
Resource Break The DD Act – AIDD Website (Administration for Community Living) (Administration for Community Living) AUCD (Association of University Centers on Disabilities)(Association of University Centers on Disabilities)
Working Side-by-Side Working collaboratively to plan and execute DD Council Meetings…
“The Agenda is the recipe for the meeting.” ( Meeting prep Be aware of committee structure, roles and “committee fit” Know the agenda If possible, pre-meetings for leadership If possible, pre-meeting teleconference for Council members
Working Side-by-Side Meeting prep Conflict of interest policies, real or perceived (Section 124 c(5)(D)) Model respect for the meeting process
Working Side-by-Side Strengthening relationships between Council members…
Working Side-by-Side Know your Council members Communication Styles Topics of interest Experience levels Strategies
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller) Continue to improve upon your leadership skills Leaders and Learners Mentor and Mentee Self-evaluate Working Side-by-Side
Resource Break Learning the Tips, Tricks and Skills for Your Role – “Shaping the Future: Community Living through the DD Act” (Gail Godwin, MA Shared Support MD, Inc.) (Gail Godwin, MA Shared Support MD, Inc.) Board Chair & Board Member Best Practice Packet (Included in packet) ITACC Sharing Leadership (Kathryn Burton, Boardsource) (Kathryn Burton, Boardsource) Self-evaluation Tools (Included in packet)
More Resources & Wrap-Up Itacchelp.org What else do you need? Look for follow up survey