HETEREGENOUS TESTBED Multiple communication networks, computation platforms, multi-modal sensors/actuators, and both static and mobile nodes on 5800 sqft dedicated warehouse space. Reconfigurable Topology [2-10 ft separation] 210 XSM, Mica2, Stargate, TELOS Nodes Ethernet, Chipcon (433MHz), b,
HIGH FIDELITY EXPERIMENTS High-fidelity experimentation at large scale: Enable accurate representation of deployment criteria (radio interference, environmental sensory input). Fidelity via execution on indoor physical array & injection of outdoor environment data collected on portable array Scale via simulation and virtual context maintenance of large numbers of nodes. Scalable fidelity via synchronization of simulated and real components, and tiling simulated node regions over physical array.
EXPERIMENT INSTRUMENTATION Support for experiment instrumentation for network state information collection. Library of software components and utilities for logging, exfiltration and visualization Enable repeatable, time-effective experimentation through remote (web- and through- services) observation, visualization, debugging and health monitoring of applications and testbed components, and reuse of software components and utilities Evolvable, reconfigurable, extensible, modular physical and network architecture
REMOTE EXPERIMENTATION Experiment scheduling through Web interface. Independent scheduling of Stargate, XSM and MICA 2 jobs and job groups. Automated Logging and Storage of user data Web interface for scheduling Visualization tool for Sprinkler
Network Attenuators, omni-directional antennas and TX power control enable testing of large multi-hop as well as dense networks in scale with realistic multi- user interference.
COMING SOON enabled TELOS motes Integrated visualization and monitoring w/visualizers and overhead camera Transparent mobility plane and robots Library of software components and utilities for logging, exfiltration and visualization Integration of TOSSIM-based hybrid simulator (from Kent State University) Development of portable sensor array with satellite uplink