By Perry Harris | Dr. Prof. P.H.D Know-it-all McGirr| Matthew Rice
Petroleum Natural Gas Petroleum has been used since ancient times. The first recorded discoveries of petroleum were when builders in ancient Babylon found petroleum deposits on seashores and found that it was flammable. Since then petroleum had been used for energy in light sources, cooking food, and heating in different forms. Natural gas has not been used for as long of period of time because if its extra difficulty to extract from the Earth. Natural gas is now more common than petroleum for household appliances and especially foreign vehicles. Petroleum Natural Gas
(Measured in average cubic feet per year) The leading producers in Natural Gas are the US, Canada, and Russia
**** 1 bbl = gal. **** Petroleum (Measured in average billion barrels per year) The leading producers in Petroleum are Saudi Arabia and Canada
Petroleum Natural Gas Petroleum is a thick liquid that is black or dark brown. Petroleum in purely crude oil but has other hydrocarbons in it. Petroleum is made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Petroleum is found under layers of the Earth. Highly flamable. Natural Gas is a non-toxic gas that is found in the Earth under many layers of rock soil and shale. Natural Gas is made of methane, ethane, propane, butane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Petroleum is usually mined using a pumpjack. The pumpjack is drilled into the earth above the oil reserve. Then the pumpjack uses pressure to push down on the oil and then the petrolium rushes up the well into the air until there is a tank to catch the oil. (In movies when you see the oil shooting out of the ground, it is because there is to tank catching the oil. It really isn’t like that.
Petroleum can also be extracted on offshore oil rigs. The offshore oil rigs use the same method of extracting the oil as a pumpjack. The sea bottom floor is drilled to the petroleum and then pressure is sent down until the oil rushed up into the tanker waiting to bring it to shore. Oil tankers are very protected and anyone who goes within 1000 yards of the tanker will be warned to stay away. They are usually protected by multiple US Navy destroyers that will destroy anything that gets too close. Offshore Oil Rig Tanker
How is it formed?
( Fracking ) OJjpy7s Natural Gas is found in the Earth about 6000ft below sea level in a layer of the Earth called shale. Shale has small pockets full with pure Natural Gas. The crew drills to the shale layer and sends water to it to break up the layer. Then they are able to extract the Natural Gas.
Fertilizer Automobiles Heating Plastics Military and Defense Asphalt Jet Fuel ELECTRICITY!! Plastic Automobiles Military and Defense Jet Fuel Plastic
Stoves Heating Electrical Power Medical Pills Vehicles (Sometimes) Fertilizer Stoves Heating Natural Gas Fertilizer
There is a lot of power in a small portion of petroleum. There is a lot of Petroleum on the Earth. A massive infrastructure to mine and process petroleum. A lot of modern technology relies on petroleum. Cheap compared to renewable resources.
Not a renewable resource. Pollutes the atmosphere. Contributes to global warming. When it is in the environment, it can be harmful. BP – Enough said. A lot of oil is in politically unstable countries. Also some is located in inaccessible areas. Petroleum is highly flammable so it can be very dangerous.
Cleanest of all fossil fuels. Burns efficiently. Abundant supply in the US. No waste or residue produced. Lighter than air.
Non-Renewable source of energy. Emits carbon dioxide when burned. Expensive. Requires extensive pipelines to transport over land. Explosive. Difficult to transport long distances. Fracking can pollute water. Fracking requires a large amount of water.
Saudi Arabia | Canada US | Canada | Russia
Hydrofracturing Pumpjack