Conducting Effective Faculty Searches Charlie Beckenhauer, General Counsel Naymond Keathley, Senior Vice Provost Tiffany Hogue, Assistant Provost
Faith and Fit Understanding the importance of a candidate’s faith Selecting the right individual – worthy of becoming a member of the Baylor faculty
The Search Process Advertise. ◦ See attached templates. ◦ diverse and discipline-specific mediums Collect candidate information. ◦ Employ consistent and objective procedures for review. Conduct preliminary interviews.
Scheduling the interviews Must bring two candidates to campus. Interviews must be scheduled through the dean’s office. Try to schedule them in the fall.
Before the campus interview, provide the provost with: 1. Faculty prospect interview form 2. Statement of faith and/or active church membership (information can be on the prospect interview form) 3. Curriculum vitae
Before the interview (cont)… 4. Transcript showing highest degree earned. If doctoral work is in progress, the transcript needs to reflect hours completed. 5. Three letters of reference (some depts. require more)
During the campus interviews The search chair provides background check consent form to candidates. (form available at: Deliver completed forms in a sealed confidential envelope to Human Resources. ◦ Results expected in 24 to 48 business hours
After the campus interview 1. Dept. confers and selects candidate. 2. Start BearQuest request. 3. Print signature form and circulate to T/T fac. 4. Send form to dean and provost. 5. Dean requests permission to begin negotiation. 6. Once negotiation is complete, submit BearQuest request (attach exact language for addendum).
Select request type: Faculty Hire Request
Go to EMS and complete the EMS questionnaire – this creates the contract.
When you get to the end of EMS – click on “Printable Tenured Signatures”
This brings up the form – print using the “print” button on your browser. Then click “Go back” in the bottom left corner of the screen.
After the Campus Interviews 7. Upon notice of approved project, HRS will draft contract for review and approval by the dean and chair. 8. With dean’s approval, HRS sends contract to the candidate. 9. Upon receipt of signed contract, HRS notifies appropriate dean and department of the acceptance.
Remember… We must have the final transcript. ◦ Letters from dissertation advisors aren’t sufficient. If new hire hasn’t finished the Ph.D., s/he will be a lecturer. ◦ 90% salary for that semester ◦ should teach four courses
Welcoming New Faculty New faculty should report first to Human Resources. Federal law requires completion of Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility and Verification Form) within 3 days of employment. All other appropriate employment/payroll forms will also be completed.
Legal Considerations Strategies to help ensure that each search is conducted according to Baylor policy and the law Learn to avoid legal traps that are often prevalent during an open competitive search
Questions? Chair Resources Website: Legal issues: Office of General Counsel (x3821) Decision-making authority: deans’ offices and provost’s office (x3601) Contracts: Shirl Brown(x8563) Bearquest: Stephanie Kilgore (x8462)