Oregon Department of Education December 20 to 22, 2010 Welcome Math & Science Teachers, Vision Teachers and Braillists
Making OAKS Online available to students with visual impairment Objectives Introductions Housekeeping Workshop Norms and Evaluation Agenda Vocabulary Universal Design Principals Item Development Overview
Test Settings Color Choice: Blue, Yellow Print on Request Print Size: Normal, Larger, Largest Netbook with 3G Internet for homebound students Audio Refreshable Braille Display Braille Embosser Accommodations
Individuals understand that this workshop is one step Develop test items accessible to students using Braille with Audio and Refreshable Braille Display (No embossed images) 75 new items per content teacher Draft Transcriber Notes for existing “Category 2” Science items Gather your written input Comment forms (yellow forms – any time) Evaluation (end of workshop)
Parking Confidentiality Agreement: sign and submit Security today and tomorrow: no cell phones, no Restrooms and Exits
Temporary Employees ODE Temporary Application Form I-9 (Identification Required) Form W-4 Criminal History Verification of Applicants Employee Questionnaire for Self- Identification of Race/Ethnicity (Optional) Conditions of Temporary Employment Timesheet
Everyone Mileage that you drive: by date, include departure/arrival time, from & to “towns” Parking or Bus: enter what you pay for parking or bus daily (receipts not needed) Initial to verify that you will not get any other travel awards Name, SSN, Signature, and Mailing Address
Those traveling 70 miles or more Record Meal Costs and Lodging by Date Lodging: Maximum State Rate in Salem is $77 plus tax. Enter the tax as Misc. You will need to attach a zero balance lodging receipt.
Those traveling 70 miles or more (cont.) Meals Breakfasts: If your hotel provides a breakfast, you will not be reimbursed for restaurant breakfast. Otherwise, attach receipt and reimbursement will be up to $ Lunches: Lunch is provided at this meeting. Dinners: Attach receipt. Reimbursement will be for up to $ (Remember: No alcohol)
Meeting Rules No electronic device turned on during the review sessions (This includes personal laptops, cameras, cellular phones, PDAs) DO NOT replicate or send secure test items electronically DO NOT make or keep copies of any test item materials DO NOT disclose confidential testing materials for any actual or potential test items to anyone outside ODE DO return any and all of the materials entrusted to you by ODE or its contractors in their entirety after your work has been completed
Meeting Norms Each person focuses on workshop tasks Room A: focused, collaborative work Room B: quiet, solo work Lobby: “networking” Work quickly and consistently Item Writer Goal: 75 test items over 3 days Use Comment/Question Forms to communicate concerns
Grade Level Content Teachers Goal: 75 items over three days. Use “Filling Gaps” forms to target specific standard/difficulty/depth of knowledge (Yellow sheet on right of your packet). Peer Review within your table, with the Vision Consultant, and with the Subject Area Facilitator. Introduction By Subject: Name, Town, Grade Team Vision Consultants Consult with Content Teachers on Item Strategies Sign off on the Content Teachers “Filling Gap Forms” Transcriber Notes “Format” Sample Transcriber Notes for “Category 2” Introduction By Subject: Name, Town Team Roles
Subject Area Facilitator Reviews all of the test items Consult with Content Teachers on Item Strategies Sign off on the Content Teachers “Filling Gap Forms” Assist Specialist in facilitating the process and improving together Introduction By Subject: Name, Town, Grade Team ODE Specialist Subject Area Facilitators: Jim Leigh (Math) Leslie Phillips (Science and Social Sciences) Workshop Facilitators Holly Carter, Annette Jacobson, Carla Martinez, Sheila Somerville, Kathleen Vanderwall Team Roles
Recall and apply the skills and processes from last item writing event Plain English – use concise, grade-appropriate vocabulary But: No graphics Limited formulas “Item Writing Filling Gaps” Form Yellow = Top Priority; Green = Secondary Priority Content Standard provided Number of Items Needed To extent possible, mix of Depth of Knowledge and Predicted Difficulty Item Writing
Step 1: Develop the Tool Step 2: Develop Sample Transcriber Notes Transcriber Notes
Mark: I have a question I have a concern Concisely and professionally print your question or concern Name optional
The daily schedule The facilities The quality and usefulness of the materials and resources The quality and information in the training session The quality and productiveness of the item writing/”transcriber note” sessions
Today (9:00 – 4:00) Overview, Training, Item Writing, Develop Transcriber Notes Form and Samples, Recap Breaks: 10:30 – 10:45 and 2:15 – 2:30 Working Lunch: Noon – 12:30 Tomorrow and Wednesday (9:00 – 4:00) Overview, Item Writing, Notes Development, Recap Breaks: 10:30 – 10:45 and 2:15 – 2:30 Working Lunch: Noon – 12:30
In your folder, you have a vocabulary sheet -- it is blank Half of you will get a “complete” vocabulary with definitions you will share definitions with those seeking – and initial that person’s sheet for definitions given Goal: 10 minutes – fill out as much of your sheet or give out as many definitions as possible
Graphics Spatial layout Tables with more than 40 characters width
Plain English Vocabulary at grade-level Linear layout Short (Roughly up to 40 characters)
10:30 – 10:45 Resume at small team tables