Topic: States of Matter Essential Question: Compare and contrast solids, liquids, and gases.
Solids Hold their shape Have a definite volume
Solids Particles vibrate in place. Particles have low energy and high attraction. Particles are close together.
Liquids Take the shape of their container Have a definite volume
Liquids Particles flow past each other. Particles have medium energy & medium attraction. Particles move at medium speeds.
Gases Take the shape of their container Do NOT have a definite volume Expand to fill container
Gases Particles bounce into each other & the sides of the container. Particles have high energy & low attraction. Particles move very quickly.
Who wants to be a molecule?
Kinetic Theory of Matter Pg. 104 in your blue book Define it!
Now.. Write ONE summary at the bottom. Write TWO questions that could be used on a quiz about states of matter.
oobleck c_GaDhV_Uhttps:// c_GaDhV_U speakers wxnID2q4Ahttps:// wxnID2q4A walking j1Ak87Yhttps:// j1Ak87Y How to make it
Plasma Super charged particles that have broken apart Ex: fire, lightening, stars, Northern Lights.