Dept. of Geosciences – Oregon State University Ron Rinehart Dr. Dawn Wright Emily Lundblad Emily Larkin NOAA - Coastal Services Center Josh Murphy Lori Cary-Kothera The Benthic Terrain Modeler for Terrain Classification and Visualization of American Samoa Multibeam Data
2 What is the BTM? BTM = Benthic Terrain Modeler Standalone program compatible with ArcGIS 8.x Converts bathymetry into a user defined classification system Combination of spatial analysis algorithms
3 Key Questions about the BTM Tool? What is it? How does one use the BTM tool? What are the key features? What are the computer system requirements? Why is this tool needed? Who will use it? Where will this tool be used? Is it a useful tool? When will it be available?
4 Which Spatial Analysis Algorithms? Slope Multi-Scale Bathymetric Position Index Rugosity
5 Bathymetric Position Index – How it Works Hilltop Valley Coarse BPI Ridge Crest Stream Channel Middle Fine BPI
6 Bathymetric Position Index Slope Sloped Surface Composite BPI Stream Valley on a Sloping Hillside
7 Rugosity
8 How does it work? Fine BPI Coarse BPI Slope Rugosity (derived from bathymetry) Step One Step TwoStep Three Step Four Bathymetry Biodiversity Enhanced Benthic Zones? Composite BPI
9 How does one use the BTM tool?
10 How does one use the BTM tool?
11 BTM Key Features? Wizard Interface ‘Learn More’ Buttons Re-use intermediate results Re-sampler built in to save time Classification Dictionary Dictionary files are XML Skip the Wizard – Go Straight to the Desired Process
12 Computer System Requirements? ArcGIS 8.x with Spatial Analyst Fast processor >2.0 Ghz recommended Up to a gigabyte of hard drive space Rasters need to be ESRI GRID format :: These are guidelines. As raster size increases so does processing time::
13 Why is this tool needed? Images Courtesy of NOAA – Wave of the Future Calendar
14 Who will use the BTM? UserPurpose Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary Management American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources Management American Samoa Community College Education Oregon State UniversityResearch
15 Example from Vatia Bay
17 Bathymetry of Vatia Bay
19 BPI of Vatia Bay Coarse BPI Fine BPI
20 Benthic Terrain Classes of Vatia Bay
22 Profile Analysis Image Courtesy of NOAA Biogeography Reef Crest Forereef Shelf Reef Crest Shelf Forereef
23 Benthic Terrain of Vatia Bay
24 Rugosity of Vatia Bay
25 Rugosity of Vatia Bay
26 Is it Useful? Data need to be ‘ground-truthed’ Mission scheduled for 2005 Potential for including Aspect Potential for Backscatter
27 When and where will it be available? When: October 2004 Where: Mirror at NOAA CSC
28 Thanks & Acknowledgements NOAA Coastal Services Center Integration and Development Initiative, Grant #NA03NOS Oregon State University McNair Scholars Program Programming Team from NOAA CSC Jeff Jenness & Andy Weiss Pat Iampietro and Rikk Kvitek
29 When and where will it be available? When: October 2004 Where: Mirror at NOAA CSC