RTI International is a registered trademark and a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. A Real-Time VOC Sensor for Vapor Intrusion Investigations Initial Development and Next Research Steps Robert Truesdale, Li Han, Chris Lutes
Basic Concept and Initial Prototypes 2 Operates on the principle of conductivity changes of composite polymer nanofibers when exposed to sub-ppmv levels of VOCs Can be tuned to target VOC classes by selecting polymers with appropriate moieties Wearable – networkable.... Compound specific?
VOC Sensor – Performance and next steps Performance to date: 1. Proof of concept – detection of TCE and PCE at sub-ppbv levels 2. Rapid response – minutes. 3 Next steps: 1. Develop improved prototypes: PMMA, PU+CNTs 2. Field test against Summas, passive samplers.