Employer Information Session 2013
Student Employment Website ses.colostate.edu
Employment Scams Awareness
Now is the time to post jobs!
New Pay Scale
Enrollment Requirements Admitted to degree-seeking program at CSU Registered by Census each Semester Student Hourly – At least 1 credit or Continuous Registration Work-Study Undergraduate – At least 6 Resident Instruction Credits Graduate – At least 5 Resident Instruction Credits Summer – No enrollment required but must have attended spring and be returning fall, or a new admit for fall STUDENT ELIGIBILITY - GENERAL
Student Employee Retirement Plan If not enrolled at least half-time, assessed SERP/Medicare Undergraduates – 6 credits minimum Graduates – 5 credits minimum Summer – 3 credits Graduate/Undergraduate Enrollment checks: Biweekly Payroll – every pay period end date (PPE) Monthly Payroll – on the 15 th of each month STUDENT ELIGIBILITY - GENERAL
Required documents to send to Student Employment Form I-9 Check I-9 Status on Employment Tab of People Screen Employment Verification Affirmation Form Legible copies of required original documents HIRING TIPS - GENERAL
SSA – 1945 Report Must collect SSA-1945 for every student employee (send to Student Employment) We send reminder s every pay period to run the SSA-1945 report If someone on your report is missing the SSA-1945, have them sign & forward to Student Employment If you are unable to reach the student due to graduation, withdrawal, etc., please let us know HIRING TIPS - GENERAL
Oracle Training and Assistance Contact Carolee and Chris by at: Training opportunities will be ed out to the HR system user listserv when classes are available HIRING & ORACLE TIPS
Create new concurrent assignment Do not change the employee qualifier Student Hourly to Work-Study or vice versa If Work-Study student is working over the summer, set up a concurrent hourly assignment HIRING & ORACLE TIPS
Transferring Work-Study Assignments Do Not transfer Work-Study to Hourly or Hourly to Work-Study Hiring department initiates transfer Previous department approves request Refer to important dates for beginning of semester Make effective on first day of pay period Contact Student Employment to transfer from an Off- Campus Work-Study Agency HIRING & ORACLE TIPS
Ending Assignments – Suspension Request Personnel File Data Forms (PFD’s) OR Student Employment Services Make sure request includes: Effective Date Assignment Number Requested Change Note – Do Not use “Initiate Assignment Termination” for Work-Study or Student Hourly ORACLE TIPS
Ending Assignments Assignments are systematically ended for: All Graduating Students No pay for at least 18 months Zero Credits at Census To request reactivation, send PFD or with: Effective Date Assignment Number Requested Change ORACLE TIPS
Work-Study Verification Students can send or print work-study confirmation. REMINDER – Confirm Work-Study Award each academic year. Assignments stay active from year to year, so be sure to verify student’s award each year. Obtain verification from student prior to beginning work. Monitor on work-study earnings report. Check with Student Employment.
Breakdown of Wages Employers pay 30% of wages: $750 per year on $2,500 Work-Study Award Work-Study covers the remaining 70%: $1,750 per year on $2,500 Work-Study Award Fifty Percent Rule Only 50% of a student’s Work-Study Award can be earned during the fall semester. Any earnings over this 50% will be billed to your Department as Time Entry Wages (TEW). WORK-STUDY TIPS
REPORTS Work-Study Earnings by Department Should run this report every pay period Displays students’ award amounts and amounts earned Changes to Work-Study awards reflected on this report Expense Distribution Report Should run this report every pay period Watch for from Payroll Confirms pay for your student employees Confirms what is billed to your Department account WORK-STUDY TIPS
Please sign and return these documents to Student Employment Services: Memo of Understanding Compliance Review
Frank H. Martinez Jillian Zucosky Karri White Phone – Fax – 1065 Campus Delivery – ses.colostate.edu QUESTIONS?
What’s new? The I-9 itself-effective March 2013 Comprehensive instructions for both employee and employer More space for List A documentation Form I-9 is two pages Please photocopy as two-sided
Section 1-Employee Section Must be completed by the employee on or before the first day of work Please provide a complete set of instructions to employee Must record a physical address. No PO Box, General Delivery, or work address Enter “N/A” in fields left blank Corrections must be made by the employee only. Please do not use white out. Simply cross out error, correct, initial and date Employee needs to choose one box to classify their status. Lawful permanent resident records Alien # only. No expiration date Alien Authorized to Work needs to record quite a bit more information. Expiration date frequently omitted Employee signature and date is easier to see
Section 1-Employee Section
Preparer and/or Translator Certification Only used when employee is unable to complete Section1. Employer does not sign here
Section 2- Employer Section Must be completed within the first three days of employment. Now has more space for List A documents No white out should be used on corrections. Simply cross out, record correct info, initial and date. Must provide your physical location. Please do not leave blank. Person completing the I-9 must also be the person completing the EVAF Please no short cuts. Record info for all the spaces (document title, issuing authority, number and expiration date if applicable) Note true issuing authority on SS Card, if used Only universally recognized abbreviations are allowed No over documenting Note space for employee name at top of Section 2
Section 2- Employer Section
Certification section now more detailed Must match the person completing the EVAF If notary is completing the Form I-9, they should not include seal
Section 3 – Updating & Reverification This section is tricky because department doesn’t house original I-9 This section can be used, but we find it better to redo a new I-9 and EVAF Employee still needs to do section 1 EVAF and copies needed for I-9 updates
What about my remote employee? Can use a notary IF he/she will do the complete I-9, make copies of the documents, and sign EVAF Can contact an HR person or supervisor at a peer institution or affiliated university to do I-9 for you.
Shelly Lynch—Manager, HR Records Unit , Foreign Tax Administrator – Haitao Cao Student Employment Office Questions?
HIRING FOREIGN NATIONALS Bob Loosley & Haitao Cao Foreign Tax Services
HR-PAYROLL UPDATES Joanne Robel Sara Lopez 555 South Howes
Hourly Payroll Processing Information Available every other Thursday? Multiple assignments VISA Timecard hand loads required info: –Complete assignment number –Employee name –Account number –All required signatures are present –All figures have been validated and are clearly written –Designate if work-study or time entry wages –Pay period ending date is completed and accurate PAYROLL UPDATES
Student Notes Changing from work-study to student hourly = concurrent assignment Monitor work-study awards = automated distribution update when limit is reached Payroll Training for Students What is a direct deposit form? Why doesn’t CSU deduct Social Security? o What is SERP? o What is Medicare? What is a W4 form? What is a W2 form o Importance of updating address information at year end and at graduation! PAYROLL UPDATES
General Notes All original W-4 and direct deposit forms should be sent to Payroll Copies should be retained by the department. Be aware of who you are paying on an hourly payroll Track State Classified hourly employees QUESTIONS? PAYROLL UPDATES