NOBEL Technical Audit WP8 Objectives & Achievements March 8 th, 2006 Workpackage 8 Integrated test bed and related experimental activities Carlo Cavazzoni
2 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results Conclusion
3 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results Conclusion
4 Consortuim Confidential To define requirements, architecture and solutions for core-metro IP- over-optical networks for broadband end-to-end services To study advanced network functionalities such as multi-layer traffic engineering and multi-layer resilience To make techno- and socio-economic analysis of core and metro case-studies To find packet/burst switching techniques and technologies To discover innovative solutions for the three network planes: management, control and transmission To define multi-service/multi-layer node architectures and to prototype the implementation of some selected node functionalities To assess of existing technologies, components and sub-systems To integrate some test beds where to validate the project results WP8 Nobel Objectives
5 Consortuim Confidential To integrate in laboratory test beds equipment, subsystems and emulators realised in other WPs and leveraging existing test bed(s) previously developed To realise integrated experiments on the advanced functionalities defined, specified and developed in the other WPs (e.g. intra- and inter-domain ASON/GMPLS advanced functionalities including also transmission aspects, multi-layer resilience strategies in a multi- domain environment, management and control, multi/service nodes, etc.) To study the feasibility of an integrated field trial for example interconnecting (already existing, or under development) test beds with the NOBEL test bed. WP8 Objectives
6 Consortuim Confidential A8.1 - Equipment, subsystems and emulators integration D7 - Feasibility analysis of an integrated field trial WP8 Deliverables A8.2 - Experiments’ realization A8.3 - Feasibility study of a field trial project months D14 - Identification and design of test bed experiments D35 - Final test bed integration and experimental results D22 - Preliminary integration and experimental results
7 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results Conclusion
8 Consortuim Confidential NOBEL test beds and experiments Control Plane performance experiments GMPLS provisioning on all-optical ring-based MAN for SLA verification GMPLS fault management on all-optical ring- based MAN for SLA verification GMPLS performance and scalability Protection and restoration schemes Transmission experiments Experimental results on 21.5 Gbaud (43 Gb/s) RZ-DQPSK interface prototypes Performance of transport elements PMD mitigation of 40-Gb/s CSRZ transmission over 820 km Interworking and traffic measurements Interconnection of broadband access and metro networks – VPLS implementation Traffic measurements in real user end-to-end multi-service test bed TILABTelefonica Lucent Acreo CTTC Marconi Control plane functional interoperability Multi-layer soft-permanent and switched connections Multi-layer, multi-domain virtual soft-permanent connections
9 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results –Transmission experiments –Control plane functional interoperability –Control Plane performance experiments –Interworking and traffic measurements Conclusion
10 Consortuim Confidential 43Gb/s RZ-DQPSK (WP6 prototypes) Motivation Why 43 Gb/s RZ-DQPSK? Suitable for long haul transmission in typical terrestrial networks (80 km spans with no Raman-amplification) Allows upgrade of existing 10 Gb/s systems w/o change of infrastructure Less sensitive to chromatic dispersion and non-linearities than conventional modulation formats as e.g. NRZ, RZ at 40 Gb/s Less sensitive to PMD than other modulation formats as e.g. Optical Duobinary (ODB) Objectives: Performance verification Investigation of impact of nonlinear phase noise, due to Gordon-Mollenauer noise and cross-phase modulation (XPM)
11 Consortuim Confidential 43Gb/s RZ-DQPSK Experiments System set-up 9 amplifiers, 8 fibre spans (total 660km) With 10 Gb/s MUX/DMUX Dispersion map includes pre/under- compensation Noise loading to adjust OSNR Includes 13 dummy channels Up to four 10 Gb/s NRZ-modulated neighbour channels (spacing: 50 & 100 GHz)
12 Consortuim Confidential 43Gb/s RZ-DQPSK Experiments Results BtB: careful optimisation of the whole back- to-back setup, let to our knowledge to best back-to-back curve reported so far DWDM system tests: Influence of OOK neighbours verified System margin from EFEC limit in all cases > 3dB (Q=10dB)
13 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results –Transmission experiments –Control plane functional interoperability –Control Plane performance experiments –Interworking and traffic measurements Conclusion
14 Consortuim Confidential GMPLS performance and scalability Motivation Investigate the performance and the scalability of an ASON/GMPLS optical control plane with respect to path provisioning
15 Consortuim Confidential GMPLS performance and scalability Number of nodes and LSA flooding impact Effect of the number of nodes in path on the path setup time Effect of LSA (Link State Advertisement) flooding on the path setup time
16 Consortuim Confidential GMPLS performance and scalability Scalability and LSA Threshold tuning analysis LSA percentage: when the available link bandwidth changes by more that %, an LSA flooding is performed (LSA %) The mean setup time decreases exponentially for LSA 0% till LSA 20%. After that, the decrease in nearly constant Path setup time nearly linear with the number of the nodes taking part in the route
17 Consortuim Confidential Experimental GMPLS fault management for OCh transport ring networks Motivation Propose enhanced GMPLS recovery schemes for OCh fault management in Rings when the link failure also affects to the control channel Recovery of the control plane after a link failure Loss of LightOptical signal recovery Optical Protection delay ~ 100 ms First Ping without reply Each 100ms a ping from OCC1 to OCC3 is sent First Response after failure IP/ Control Restoration delay ~ 2100 ms OCC 1 OCC 2 OCC 3 Trans. Monitor Trans. Monitor Work. Fiber Prot. Fiber Failure Recovery
18 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results –Transmission experiments –Control plane functional interoperability –Control Plane performance experiments –Interworking and traffic measurements Conclusion
19 Consortuim Confidential Motivation Convergence on the IP layer requires that the different network services requested by client networks can be emulated by the IP network Verification of basic functionality of Virtual-Private LAN Service (VPLS), such as forwarding and MAC-address learning Nobel Phase 2 Metro-access interconnection - Implementation and verification of a VPLS
20 Consortuim Confidential Metro-access interconnection - Implementation and verification of a VPLS Results Demonstration of successful VPLS set up This VPLS can serve as a platform for future investigations where the level of QoS for the emulated LAN in varying situations can be analysed
21 Consortuim Confidential Summary Introduction Test Beds and experimental results –Transmission experiments –Control plane functional interoperability –Control Plane performance experiments –Interworking and traffic measurements Conclusion
22 Consortuim Confidential Conclusion WP8 reached Year 2 objectives –Integration in laboratory test beds of equipment, subsystems and emulators in strict cooperation with the implementation work done in other work packages (i.e. WP4 and WP6) –Execution of the experiments planned during the first year of the Project –Public demonstration of selected functionalities also in cooperation with other IST Projects (e.g. MUPBED) These results and the developed test beds constitute a sound foundation for the next phase of the NOBEL project
23 Consortuim Confidential Backup slides