Introduction The scenario in Malaysia Ethnic Relations: Melaka Era until post-Independence. Challenges of inter-intra ethnic in Malaysia Integration and National Unity Vision 2020 and its challenges 1 Malaysia concept
The scenario in Malaysia The ups and downs of ethnic relations Good : Melaka era, Independence era, New Economic Policy Uncertainties: Japanese era, 13 May 13 May Tragedy (1969) - communalism exploited by various groups for their own interests The role of every citizen to avoid such 13 May incidence
Ethnic Relations: Malaccan Era until post-Independence Before colonialism, vibrant inter-cultural relations in the Malay world. Based on the concepts of permeable ethnicity & canopy ethnicity (Robert Heffner, 2001). Different but live under one umbrella of Malay ethnic & Malay world (language, culture, religion).
…sambungan Economy : shared interesst among economic elites, active as global players. Politics : stable; various ethnics/races shared power & form government. Sosial system : of different groups, but united. Opposed to extremism & violence.
…sambungan After the arrival of the colonialists Banton (1983), ethnicity was categorised according to race & enclosed racism (blood relations, superior race & racism). Social system rearranged, the Whites on top, while the Chinese, Indian, Malay & Bumiputra below them.
…sambungan Economic structure changed, with Whites – in commerce, tin & rubber. Chinese – as labourers in tin industry & business Indian – labourers in the public sector, building & infrastructure, road & railway, telecommunication, and as rubber tappers. Malay – lower administrative ranks, as farmers & fishermen in the villages.
…sambungan Political system based on divide-and–rule policy. Changed the ethnic relations patterns which had evolved earlier (in the Malay world).
…sambungan Politics : MIC, MCA & UMNO united to demand for Independence from the British. After 10 years of independence, the ethnic Chinese & Indian had easy access to citizenship. Towards the end of 1960s, there was strained ethnic relationship which culminated in May 13 1969 ethnic incidence. Debates on ideology and national identity started..
…sambungan 2 major policies were introduced after 1969: New Economic Policy (NEP) Rukunegara (national principles) “Social contract” (pakatan murni) was redeveloped/redesigned through Rukun Negara & life principles. National Cultural Policy was introduced after 1970 Rukun Tetangga (a program of neighbourhood security system) launched in 1975.
CHALLENGES OF ETHNIC RELATIONS Inter-ethnic relations : the relationship between one ethnic and the other ethnic(s). Became an issue in the process of creating a Bangsa Malaysia which internalize national values & identity, love the country, patriotic, and prepared to defend the nation.
….sambungan Intra-ethnic relations: relationship among people of the same ethnic. Intra-ethnic challenges : Politics Economy Social Education Culture
i. Politics (challenges) To create a stable political system To develop the country (in various aspects/fields). To develop leadership of integrity (accountability, dynamic & just) in administration. To develop cooperation between the political parties.
ii. Economy There exists a gap between the ethnic groups, (e.g. the Malays in agriculture; the Chinese in commerce & trade) New Econ Policy (NEP) launched in 1970 NEP targeted 30% equity shares for the Bumiputera (Malays + indigenous people). How to develop the economy that is free from ethnic considerations?
….sambungan To create joint ventures & cooperation between the Bumiputera and non-Bumiputeras. Restructuring the pattern of labour utilization between the ethnics. The imbalance between urban industrial sector & rural sector.
iii. Social The entry of many Chinese & Indian labour in the 19th century Physical separation – part of policy of “divide & rule”. There were stereotyping, ethnocentrism, prejudice, discrimination between the ethnics. A separate education system for the ethnics.
iv. Education The education system left by the British created polarisation. The British provided schooling for all ethnics under separate systems (vernacular system/education) partly to deny integration among the people.
…sambungan Education – an important mechanism in developing human capital with the moral, ethical, tolerant, and accomodating characteristics. Polarisation is also reflected in secondary schools & institutions of higher learning (among the students)
v. Culture The way of thinking, behaviour, and lifestyles emulating the West.. A pattern of liberal and free living developing especially among the youngsters The influence of ideology, hedonistic culture, and negative values...
vi. Religion Different religions among the ethnics. Freedom for the individuals to practice own religion is guaranteed under the Constitution (Perkara 3(1)).
INTEGRATION & UNITY To form an integrated society based on the principle of unity in diversity. Unity : a process of uniting the people in all aspects of life. National Integration : a dynamic process to form one Bangsa Malaysia with own identity based on the Constitution and Rukun Negara.
…sambungan Understanding national identity - strengthening integration bridge - sowing the spirit of integration among the ethnics - social interaction & long-term inter-ethnic relationship. Are the majority of Malaysian people understand the identities of the ethnics?
…sambungan Vision School Spirit of Patriotism - a strategy to harmonise the multi-ethnic society. - to close the gaps, and to have an open mind (as opposed to a “closed mindset”). - sharing school facilities. Spirit of Patriotism - love the people & country - proud to be citizens of Malaysia - spirit of togetherness - contribute & be productive - aware and sensitive to current issues and development
TOWARDS ETHNIC UNITY PLKN (National Service Training Program) Rukun Negara Formation of National Front (BN) Setting up of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) 1 Malaysia concept
Objectives of Rukun Negara To develop a just society – the resources ofe the country to be shared justly by the people, and every member has the same opportunity to benefit from the richness of the country To protect the democratic way of life, the Constitution guarantees freedom of basic rights of the people and freedom of political activities as long as they do not violate the laws To achieve stronger unity all people should uphold the spirit to develop one people and one nation where everyone regards him/herself as citizen of Malaysia irrespective of ethnicity and religion/system of belief
To develop a liberal attitude toward the rich cultural traditions of the people , free to practice own religion, custom and culture in accordance with the objective of national unity. To build a society that is progressive that uses science and modern technology. To create a society that achieves progress in science & technology in line with the current technological development in the world in this era of glabalisation.
Challenges to improve Ethnic Relations The uniting of political parties (which are based on ethnic). Inculcate the spirit of patriotism. Increase the level of ethnic awareness & sensitivity. Rational attitude & fairness in ethnic demands. Readiness to cooperate sincerely.
VISION 2020 OBJECTIVE: to create a bangsa Malaysia that is united, progressive, prosperous, and increase the people’s resilience and competitiveness.
9 CHALLENGES OF VISION 2020 To create a united country. To create a society of free spirit, peaceful and advanced with self-confidence. To create a mature democracy that is examplary. To create a moral and ethical society.
…sambungan To create a mature society which is liberal and tolerant. The people are free to practice own culture and religion. To develop a scientific & progressive society, a society which is also creative and visionary. To develop a caring society. To develop a prosperous society whose economy is competitive, resilient and dynamic.
1 MALAYSIA CONCEPT Introduced by Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abd Razak, 6th PM. ‘1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan’ (the people first, achievement prioritised). Main principles: Unity, harmony, equality. 4 aspects underlined : Integrity, ability, loyalty, commitment.
First Aspects : Unity Thrusts Thrusts of Unity Acceptance Principles of Nationhood Social Justice Respectful Humbleness (Tawadhuk) Moderation Etiquette Berbudi-bahasa Virtues
Second Aspects : Aspiration values High performance culture Innovative culture Time conscious Wisdom Knowledge culture Loyalty Integrity Strong willpower