McLEAN YOUTH (MYA) VOLLEYBALL Spring 2012 Coaches Coordination Meeting March 8, 2012
McLean Youth Volleyball Welcome and Thank You! MYA is 100% volunteer Introductions: Name Child’s Name and School Which League (ES, MS) Coaching/Volleyball Experience Little Known Fact About Yourself McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Program Vision Instructional recreation/house program Open to 5th to 8th grade girls regardless of experience/ability Promote maximizing ball "touches" as the best way for players to master volleyball skills Play league matches as the best way to learn and enjoy the game Encourage teamwork and good sportsmanship Have fun! McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball League Structure Two Leagues ES League: 10 teams, 94 players (9-10 per team) MS League: 10 teams,100 players (9-11 per team) Skills Development Clinics First 2 weeks of program – open to everyone! Establish foundational skills for the playing season Team Practices One 90 minute practice during the week League Matches One 60 minute match against another team Saturdays between 1pm and 6pm at McLean HS All-Stars Tournament Against other FFX County programs: VYI, CYA, SYA Select players for 2 ES and 2 MS All-Star teams McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Season Schedule McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Practice Timeslots McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Skills Clinics Elementary School Players Middle School Players McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Uniforms & Equipment Team Uniforms For Players: Tie-dye swirl shirts (12 per team) For Coaches: Black polo shirts Team Equipment 10-12 balls, a large ball bag and 1 cart ES = Volley Lite Balls; MS = Standard Balls Bring to practices and matches Net Systems Net Heights: ES=7’, MS=7’4” Treat volleyball equipment with extra care – primarily owned by school Poles and nets in storage rooms near gyms Contact janitors to open locked closets Stack returned equipment neatly McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball League Rules for 2012 Standard FIVB / USA Volleyball rules With exceptions to encourage learning And leniency on touch rules For old schoolers, standard rules now include: Rally scoring - each serve results in a point Serves can touch net Players can touch side of net but not tape Double-touches on first balls McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Special Service Rules “Redo” if first serve missed Only on first attempt in the rotation Underhand servers allowed 5 feet (or so) in from the back line No foot faults Maximum of 5 service wins in a row per server After 5, service switches to other team without point McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Special Scoring Rules Three games to 25 points (NOT best of 3). If time runs out, winner of 3rd game is team with most points Extra point awarded for three touches that result in an immediate point: Discretion of the referee First 2 touches can be bumps or sets; last touch must be an overhead hit Extra point only awarded if opposing team does not legally return the ball McLean Youth Volleyball
Continuous Substitution Promotes equal playing time Players on count and bench are one continuous line-up With each clockwise rotation, two players rotate off the court and two players from bench rotate on to the court. Start each subsequent game with players in the same positions as the end of the previous game Net 5 4 3 6 2 7 1 8 9 10 McLean Youth Volleyball Server
McLean Youth Volleyball Match Sequencing Warm-ups for 10 minutes Coaches coordinate hitting and serving times Referee calls for team captains Flip coin to determine first server and side Volunteer parents assist referees Need 1 score flipper and 2 lines judges 2 minutes between games Timeouts permitted 2 30-second timeouts per team per game Teams shake hands under the net before and after the match Referees report wins-losses to Xavier McLean Youth Volleyball
Head Coach Responsibilities Communicate and work with your parents 2 co-directors talk with 20 coaches; 1 coach talks with 20 parents Utilize your parent volunteers as necessary Create practice plans Coach players during practices and games Setup and take down nets Address special player/parent needs Bring in Chuck, Xavier & Kim when needed Motivate and encourage McLean Youth Volleyball
Safety Considerations No water bottles allowed on playing floor – injury hazard Remove any other potential hazards from the playing area Encourage players to wear knee pads and court shoes (discourage running shoes) Do not leave the gym area until all your players have been picked up McLean Youth Volleyball
Volunteer Building Director Each MYA Volleyball Coach and select Team Parents must certify as a Volunteer Building Director (VBD) Required by Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) for MYA to use school facilities. Review materials on the NCS VBD website and take the short on-line test 15-20 minutes to certify Retake test as often as needed Forward certification confirmation email to Chuck McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball Important Documents Always carry copies of the following documents to practices and matches: Team Roster with parent phone numbers Facility Use Permit Your VBD certification NCS Inspectors DO visit gyms McLean Youth Volleyball
Coaching Considerations Focus on fundamental ball control skills: serve, pass, set, hit and *movement* Practices should reinforce these skills Use drills that encourage as many player “touches” as possible Simulate game play over the net Explain to players/parents that the focus is on ball control using multiple touches, not winning as many points as possible through one touch “Ping-Pong” Promote communications and cheering Provide positive feedback Defer to referees McLean Youth Volleyball
Other Coaching Resources Check the MYA Volleyball website Documents page Skills instruction and diagrams Sample practice plans Drills and tactics Excellent on-line resources USA Volleyball Guild for New Youth Coaches Guild to Volleyball Basics John Kessel’s Mini Volleyball book (large pdf!) YouTube videos McLean Youth Volleyball
McLean Youth Volleyball What Next? Coach’s clinic – Tue Mar 13 at Redeemer Bill Musgrove, McLean HS JV Coach Rosters and matches posted on the website – Wed Mar 14 or so Coaches then contact players/parents Each team gets an online ID, home page and the ability to email through the system Attend as many clinics as possible Practices can begin the week of Mar 26 Contact Kim Wenk if you need to reschedule a practice due to a gym closure McLean Youth Volleyball