Specifications of components that were removed: a. Added to the 4GB RAM b. 500 GB Hard drive c. CD ROM Specifications of new components: A. Corsair Twin 6400C5C 4GB 800MHz DDR2 2x2GB RAM B. WD 2TB desktop Hard drive C. Asus Nvidia GeForce GT 640 Graphics Card
R EASON FOR UPGRADE The reason for these changes because you have a 4GB RAM, 500GB Hard drive, Intel On board Graphics and sound card. This is the reason why you experience these issues with your computer there isn’t enough space for your latest games to be stored and while you are playing your computer tends to freeze because the lack of storage space.
T ESTS CARRIED OUT TO ENSURE THE UPGRADE WAS SUCCESSFUL CHKDSK The programs that you I used is utility software such as CHKDSK which is the one of the utility programs that allows me to check the file system and statues on the hard drive. The CHKDSK command lists and corrects the errors on the disk I did this before backing up my the hard drive.
T ESTS CARRIED OUT TO ENSURE THE UPGRADE WAS SUCCESSFUL Task manager I used Task manager to test that the installation was successful, with the useful information about the programs that have been open, how much processor time that the computer is using and the services. I also used Task manger for monitoring the computer’s performance or to close some programs that are not responding.
T ESTS CARRIED OUT TO ENSURE THE UPGRADE WAS SUCCESSFUL Packet InterNet Groper (PING) I used Packet InterNet Groper (PING) is a utility program that specific IP address is able to be accessed. It works by sending a packet to the address and waits for an reply. PING is used commonly to troubleshoot internet connections.
T ESTS CARRIED OUT TO ENSURE THE UPGRADE WAS SUCCESSFUL CCleaner CCleaner has two main uses, it can scan for and delete unwanted files which frees up space. The second it can erases private data like your browsing history and a list of your most opened files in different programs. Features Cleans missing & corrupted Registry Start-up Manager & Software Uninstaller System Restore to saved points Include & Exclude Cookies - CCleaner Speedup PC Performance - CCleaner Track erasers for Browsers & Windows
S OFTWARE ' S INSTALLED AND CONFIGURATIONS MADE Installed a webcam and modified the driver to suit the user I configured the software drivers for the webcam in Unit 3 – Task 4 – P5&P6.
B ENEFITS OF P RODUCT R EGISTRATION The benefits of having your products registered is that you would have your products insured and sometimes a full warranty. For example if you received a new product you will get a form to fill it out asking for your personal information and the product information to send back to the company so they will have you and your product on their system. The reason that you need to fill the product form is that you will have a quick and efficient to the tech support team as they already have your product on their system they can quickly help you out with your situation.
B ENEFITS OF P RODUCT R EGISTRATION Another benefit of getting you product registered is that you would will receive product support alert through which can be helpful because when you receive the product support alert they will require you to send you product back to the company to check if there is any issue with the product and they will give you the best possible solution to resolve the issue this is called product recall.
P RODUCT R EGISTRATION F ORM This is the Product registration form online and on paper.
T HE WAY TO SIGN YOUR PRODUCT UP FOR A PRODUCT REGISTRATION By Phone You can register your product by phone, all you have to do is to get the product manufactures number and call them regarding to register your product to them. They will just ask you a few questions that you need to answer then your product will registered. By Fax You can also register you product by fax as well. If you have the form that came with the product then you will need to fill it out with all the details that it requires. Once you have done that you will need to make sure that you have a fax machine that is working and make sure that you have the manufactures fax number then you are ready to fax your form sheet to the company and after you have done that you will need to call them to make that have received it, then they will take care of every thing else.
T HE WAY TO SIGN YOUR PRODUCT UP FOR A PRODUCT REGISTRATION By Post You can also register your product by post, With the form which you should have received with the product that you bought. You will need to fill in the form with all the details that it requires, after that you will need to have the address of the company then send it off by post. By As well as posting you form sheet you can also register your product by . You will need to fill in the form with the required detail. Once you fill the form in you need to have a scanning machine that is connected to your PC, Once you scanned the form to your pc you will need to open up your and attach the form into your and send it off.
T HE WAY TO SIGN YOUR PRODUCT UP FOR A PRODUCT REGISTRATION Online You can register your product online by just simply going on to the product’s manufacture website, there will be a option that will ask you to ‘register your product’ if you select that option then it will open a new window asking for your personal details and some details of the make and model of your product.