Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. Providing software and consulting services to solve hydrology and stormwater problems throughout the world.
Clear Creek Solutions Expertise We specialize in computer modeling of complex hydrologic and hydraulic systems. We have 30+ years of experience modeling hydrologic and stormwater problems. We created WWHM3 for Washington State Department of Ecology and adapted it to model San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego watersheds and stormwater facilities. We teach WWHM, BAHM, SDHM, and HSPF workshops.
In the beginning… Clear Creek Solutions was founded in 2005 by Doug Beyerlein and Joe Brascher.
Doug Beyerlein, P.E. Principal Engineer Doug started his career at Hydrocomp under the direction of hydrologic modeling pioneers Professor Ray Linsley and Dr. Norm Crawford. He later established the Washington offices of AQUA TERRA Consultants in 1992 before co-founding Clear Creek Solutions in He has written and presented landmark stormwater papers including “Why Standard Stormwater Mitigation Doesn’t Work” and “Effective Impervious Area: The Real Enemy”. Doug lives and works in Mill Creek, Washington.
Joe Brascher President Before co-founding Clear Creek Solutions Joe worked for the City of Olympia, Thurston County, and AQUA TERRA Consultants in Tumwater, Washington. Joe is the chief software architect for the creation of Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM3), Bay Area Hydrology Model (BAHM), and the San Diego Hydrology Model (SDHM). He has also pioneered the integration of the EPA SWMM and EPA HSPF models within the CCS software packages. Joe manages the Tumwater, Washington, office.
Clear Creek Solutions specializes in continuous simulation modeling. Continuous simulation hydrology models the entire hydrologic cycle for multiple years.
Includes: Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM3) Bay Area Hydrology Model (BAHM) San Diego Hydrology Model (SDHM) CCS Software
Designed to comply with: Federal Clean Water Act (NPDES Phase I and II) Federal Endangered Species Act State and local stormwater regulations CCS Software
Official software for designing stormwater systems for: 19 counties of Western Washington CCS Software
Official software for designing stormwater systems for: Alameda County, CA San Mateo County, CA Santa Clara County, CA CCS Software
CCS software uses continuous simulation hydrology to compute stormwater runoff for both predevelopment and post-development conditions. Predevelopment Post-development
CCS Software Our software includes these types of facilities for stormwater modeling: stormwater ponds stormwater tanks/pipes stormwater vaults stormwater gravel trench/beds LIDs (green roofs, rain gardens, bioretention, etc.) Note: all can include infiltration, if appropriate soils are available.
CCS Software Designs Planned community: Snoqualmie Ridge, King County, WA (1,343 acres)
CCS Software Designs Commercial site: Costco store, Woodinville, WA (14.38 acres)
CCS Software LID Designs Green roof: Hamilton Apartment Building, Portland, OR.
CCS Software LID Designs Rain garden: 110 th St NW, Seattle, WA.
CCS Software LID Designs B ioretention: Planter box.
CCS Software LID Designs Porous pavement.
CCS Software LID Designs Impervious surface dispersion (for example, roof runoff onto lawn).
CCS Software Designs The user can input multiple drainage basins, ponds, LID facilities, etc., all in a simple Windows interface.
Clear Creek Solutions Guidance/help is provided by User Manual Training Workshops CCS Project Book Tech Support Go to for more details.
Clear Creek Solutions Consulting services City of Bellingham, WA: stormwater system modeling
Clear Creek Solutions Consulting services City of Seattle, WA: LID facility modeling
Clear Creek Solutions Consulting services City of Edmonds, WA: Lake Ballinger modeling
Clear Creek Solutions Consulting services Edwards Aquifer Authority, TX: groundwater recharge modeling
Clear Creek Solutions Consulting services What can we model for you?
For more information Contact: Doug Beyerlein Joe Brascher Or go to: