What is Language Socialization?? socialization through language to use language in socially appropriate ways focused on very young children acquiring their first language and on the relationship between culturally specific pattern of language socialization and school achievement has broadened to include how older children and adults acquire knowledge of the interpretative frameworks of their own and other cultures in which they must function.
Importance of Learning a Second Language Important for economical, educational, political and for other reasons Increases social status Relationship between Language Socialization and Second Language Learning people not only experience their primary language socialization during childhood but continue to experience secondary language socialization new sociocultural contexts new communities of practice new roles in society new language
First study by Song, in 2012 About two South Korean families' language socialization experiences at home, which happened abroad The study is a case study Audio or video interactions Method Interviews Practices reflected the language ideologies Results These two families negotiated and reconfigured these ideologies in their local practices of language learning in a different way
Second study by Ortaçtepe, in 2013 Aims to show, that native-likeness is not a constant but a comparative, always changing knowledge Related to the question whether conventional expressions demonstrate native-like choice in the target language The study is a questionnaire a 20-item discourse completion test (DCT) Method followed by a short dialogue Demonsrate that American students obtain higher native likeness reviews and create more conventional expressions Results
Third study related on a research project promoted by an agency of foreign services in Western Canada Testing people who are foreign to english, in two work-oriented schemes The programs combined ESL language skills and nursing skills to prepare students to work in the healthcare profession as long-term resident care aides was inverstigated in terms of language socialization and expressed some of the difficulties the students faced in their care of elderly inhabitant with various physical and emotional problems. The study contain not a special method comprise mostly interviews Method were transmitted and analyzed for related themes of three research questions. The most interesting and unexpected findings include the range and complexity of communication skills required of the study participants Results
Research Questions In the first study, the question is that, ''What kind of changes evolve in the communicative life of the Korean families, and does any changes arised in the interaction between the childrens, peers and parents?'' The second study, aims to address the following research questions: ''How native-like are the response of the English language users in the reference (American students) and the focal group (Turkish students) ?'' ''How formulaic are the responses of the Turkish students (focal group) across pre and post-tests? The third study is based on three different research questions The first research question set out to provide a description of the people in the study, their motivation for wanting to learn English and nursing to become care aides, their English language needs and competencies, and the tensions they faced seeking further education and employment The second research question examines the nature of language use in the target workplaces and the continuing experiences of participants as they were socialized into the discourse and profession of care-giving The third research question deals with the impact of the RC/HSAT education and work in ESL/healthcare on the lives of the participants, an aspect of the study in which ISA staff members expressed particular interest
THANK YOU Öznur AKDENIZ 300432 References Bayley, R. , & Schecter, S. R. (2003). Language Socialization in Bilingual and Multilingual Societies. USA, NY: Multilingual Matters Ltd. De Gruyter, W. (1987). Berlin-Bibliographie: Veröffentlichung der Historsichen Kommission zu Berlin. Germany, Berlin: Stiftung Preussische Seehandlung Duff, P. A., Wong, Ping, Early, Margaret. (2002). Learning Language for Work and Life: The Linguistic Socialization of Immigrant Canadians Seeking Careers in Healthcare. Modern Language Journal, 86 (3), 397-422 Ortaçtepe, D. (2013). System: Formulaic language and conceptual socialization: The Route to becoming native-like in L2. Turkey, Ankara: Elsevier Song, J. (2012). Imagined Communities and Language Socialization Practices in Transnational Space: A Case Study of Two Korean ''Study Abroad'' Families in the United States. Modern Language Journal, 96 (4), 507-524