Circles of support Katherine Runswick-Cole Dan Goodley
Meet Keith The purpose of the circle: This is Keith Keith has just moved to KL Keith would like to find some new friends To help Keith find friends
Time out We will stop the action & talk about what is happening by calling for ‘time out’ for discussion points You can stop the action too by calling ‘time out’.
Meeting One Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities & civil society
Creating a circle Can you volunteer? - Do you like football? -Do you like music? -Do you like walking? -Could you help with finding work? Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities & civil society
Meeting map Purpose of the Circle Roles – Time keeping – Refreshments – Note taker – Intepreter Help Keith meet people Rules – ????
Action Plan Who ? What ? When? Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities & civil society
Discussion point 1 Do the roles we allocated for the meeting work in a Malaysian context? How do you feel about taking notes and making action plans? Is this approach too formal?
Discussion point 2 How do people make connections with each other in Malaysia? How easy is it for people with learning disabilities to make friends and develop networks of support? What differences might there be in urban and rural contexts?
Circle Meeting 2 Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities & civil society
What’s working?What’s not working?
Action Plan Who ? What ? When? Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities & civil society
Questions How does it feel to be part of a circle? Does this make sense in Malaysia? Does this already happen in some places in Malaysia – perhaps in different ways? What other ways can we find of connecting people?