National and Global Trends in Graduate Education ASEE Workshop on Graduate Education and Research Trends Les Sims Senior Scholar in Residence, CGS (Graduate Dean Emeritus, University of Iowa)
Dimensions of the Graduate Education Enterprise ,700 institutions 1.9 million students Over ½ million degrees annually –468,000 master’s degrees –45,000 doctoral degrees CGS institutions enroll 2/3 of students, grant 75% of master’s degrees, and nearly all doctorate degrees
Graduate Enrollment Trends Source: CGS/GRE Survey of Graduate Enrollment Thousands
Graduate Enrollment by Ethnicity Source: CGS/GRE Survey of Graduate Enrollment
Degrees Awarded relative to
U.S. Engineering Degrees as a % of Total
Growth in S & E Ph.D. Degrees (Three-year averages: US Citizens and Permanent Residents) 1999 Degrees Native Amer 117 Hispanic 658 African-Amer 715 TOTAL 17,428 White 13,656
S & E Graduate Enrollment by race/ethnicity (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents)
International Student Enrollment Source: IIE, Open Doors Thousands
U.S. Science and Engineering Doctorate Degrees Earned by International Students
Doctoral S&E Degrees by World Region U.S. Ph.D. Deg Europe Asia % Citizens/Perm Res
Engineering Doctorate Degrees
Graduate Enrollment Projections Source: NCES, Middle Alternative Projections to 2012
Projections: graduate degrees Source: NCES, Projections to 2012 Thousands
Projected International GRE Test Takers, FY03-04* *Source: CGS Discussion List - ETS 1/16/04 Estimate
InternationalGraduate Applications Fall Fall 2004 ACE, AAU, CGS, NAFSA, AIE, NASULGC Survey All Grad ApplicationsPRC Grad ApplicationsUG Applications
Graduate Programs: Trends and Changes Certificates – growing rapidly (both stand alone and as degree add-ons) Content –related to career needs Preparing Future Faculty Preparing Future Professionals Professional Master’s Degrees Composition – diversity challenges: ethnic/racial, gender, other enrollment
Graduate Programs: Research Content + Content – diverse, global, interdisciplinary Career considerations – publicize jobs of recent graduates; early career information; continuous career planning Skills development – communications, presentation, interpersonal/teamwork, technical/computer, project management Environment – employer expectations, roles/responsibilities, experiential/interns
Graduate Education Issues: Graduate Stipends and Funding NSF fellowships stipends: $27,500 (F2003); $30,000 (F2004); and... NIH, other agencies will follow suit. Funding for master’s education is miniscule compared to that for Ph.D. Tuition continues to rise at well above CPI; remissions/waivers needed. Reauthorization if HEA: an opportunity to increase priority of graduate education.
Graduate Education Issues: International issues: post-9/11 SEVIS International Visitors Restrictions on research areas/materials Bologña Accord – EU Higher Education proposed as common structure: 3 yrs equivalent to U.S. B.S. (?) + 2 yrs = equivalent of US M.S. (?)
Graduate Education Issues: Completion/Attrition and ttd Doctoral completion rate (50% lore); varies widely; most agree is too low. Attrition rates still significant in years 2, 3, 4, … of doctoral programs. Time to degree continues to increase. Similar problems, less extent, in master’s programs.
Graduate Education Issues: Diversity/Participation/access Participation of underrepresented groups increasing, but slowly; still low. Strategies need to reflect new realities of court decisions, public policy. Curricula should reflect cultural, historical, societal, global diversity.
Graduate Education Issues: Responsible Conduct of Research Ethical issues Human/Animal research subjects; informed consent Intellectual property issues Industry/university interactions Commercialization of research results
Graduate Education Issues: Mismatch: education/employers PFF – balanced instruction in T,R,S, skills, faculty roles/responsibilities. PFP – balanced instruction in R, skills, teamwork, non-academic work environments, project management. Professional Master’s – core MS, skills, teamwork, non-academic internship; business principles.