1 1 (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) Spring 2014 WSTA Field Test 1
Overview 2 1. Test Types 2. Schedule 3. Pilot Process 4. Next Steps
Performance-Based (PBA) Component March Literary Analysis (120 min) Research (120 min) Narrative (120 min) Math Session 1 (75 min) Math Session 2 (75 min) End of Year (EOY) Component May Literacy Session 1 (105 min) Literacy Session 2 (105 min) Math Session 1 (85 min) Math Session 2 (85 min) Test Types 3
Performance-Based (PBA) Component - March Literary Analysis TaskNarrative TaskResearch Simulation Task The Literature Task plays an important role in honing students’ ability to read complex text closely, a skill that research reveals as the most significant factor differentiating college-ready from non-college-ready readers. This task will ask students to carefully consider literature worthy of close study and compose an analytic essay. The Narrative Task broadens the way in which students may use this type of writing. Narrative writing can be used to convey experiences or events, real or imaginary. In this task, students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes or objects, for example. The Research Simulation Task is an assessment component worthy of student preparation because it asks students to exercise the career- and college- readiness skills of observation, deduction, and proper use and evaluation of evidence across text types. In this task, students will analyze an informational topic presented through several articles or multimedia stimuli, the first text being an anchor text that introduces the topic. Students will engage with the texts by answering a series of questions and synthesizing information from multiple sources in order to write two analytic essays. Literacy Assessments 4
End of Year (EOY) Component - May On the end-of-year assessment, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to read and comprehend complex informational and literary texts. Questions will be sequenced in a way that they will draw students into deeper encounters with the texts and will result in more thorough comprehension of the concepts. Literacy Assessments 5
Task Types TYPE I: TASKS ASSESSING CONCEPTS, SKILLS AND PROCEDURES TYPE II: TASKS ASSESSING EXPRESSING MATHEMATICAL REASONING TYPE III: TASKS ASSESSING MODELING / APPLICATIONS Type I tasks include a balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. These tasks can involve any or all mathematical practice standards. Type I tasks will be machine scorable and will include innovative, computer- based formats. Type II tasks call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements (MP. 3, 6). These tasks can also involve other mathematical practice standards. Type II tasks may include a mix of innovative, machine scored and hand scored responses. Type III tasks call for modeling/application in a real-world context or scenario (MP.4) and can also involve other mathematical practice standards. Type III tasks may include a mix of innovative, machine scored and hand scored responses. Performance Based and End of Year Components Performance Based Component Math Assessments 6
Performance-Based (PBA) Component - March Session 1Session 2 Any combination of tasks from Type I, II, and III Math Assessments 7 End of Year (EOY) Component - May Session 1Session 2 Type I Tasks
Test Schedule Spring
This year is a PILOT No data will be shared with CPS, students or parents Our school accountability status will not change this year Pilot Process 10
Data will be used to make any necessary changes to the test and test administration; and for states to decide if they will officially adopt PARCC The Chelsea PARCC Pilot Committee will be asking for feedback to make suggestions for future roll-out Pilot Process 11
Next Steps 12 1.Test administration training will happen in PLTs the week of March 10 th -14 th 1.We will the test schedule, test locations, and other information 1.Write any questions on our exit ticket today
Test Type Jigsaw 13 1.Find the folder with your animal 1.Read through the test sample item and fill out the guiding questions sheet with your group 1.Pick one person to explain your test item to the whole content group 1.Be ready to share in 10 minutes