Sab Matsumoto Department of Mathematics College of the Canyons
There are three types of mathematicians in the world. Those that can count and those that cannot. Mathematics is not (just) about numbers…
Math teachers (duh!) Physical sciences (chemistry, physics, etc.) Engineering (EE, civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, aerospace, etc.) Actuarial science (insurance) Architecture Computer science, computer security Operations research (cost/benefit analysis) Statistics Biomathematics Economics
Biology/biochemistry/medicine Law Finance Business management Social sciences (political science, sociology, anthropology, psychology, linguistics, etc.) Sports analysis Marketing/advertising Art/animation Music theory Forensics Languages/linguistics
You … Just to function as a citizen Why does EVERY MAJOR at EVERY COLLEGE have mathematics requirements? Not necessarily for mathematics knowledge For problem-solving skills For logical and critical thinking So don’t say, “I don’t need this stuff.”
Probably twice as fast Not much time for in-class work Probably a LOT more homework Attendance? (No one will call your mom) Practice tests? Make-up tests? In short, YOU must be responsible.
Take the Placement Test seriously! (It may save you a year or two) 025/026: Arithmetic 058: Pre-Algebra 060: Beginning Algebra 070/075: Intermediate Algebra 083: Geometry Review your high school math!
Inexpensive Local Often, smaller class size Teaching-centered faculty Can end up with the same degree
California Community Colleges: the largest system of institutions of higher (post- secondary) learning in the world My experience with California Community Colleges… It’s up to you…