Reflections and Lessons Programme Monitoring Committee Monday 15 December 2008 Alan Roff RAP Board Chair & Deputy Vice-Chancellor University of Central Lancashire
The Regional Action Plan 1.What it was 2.How it operated 3.What it achieved 4.What we learnt
The Regional Action Plan – What was it? CONTEXT: Objective 2 programme –Created following Mid Term Review 2003 –Key strategic partnership: NWDA and NWUA –New Challenges: Achieving the RES Greater Collaboration Commissioning of Projects Legacy
The Regional Action Plan – What was it? How was it managed? –NWDA is the accountable body supported by two administrative teams: –NW Universities Association »M1.4 and M3.1 –Manchester Enterprises »Measures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 3.2
The Regional Action Plan – the targets: OVERALL MONEY ALLOCATION OVERALL KEY TARGETS TO ACHIEVE BY DECEMBER 2008 Total CostERDF allocation M 1.1£2,271,588£1,000, new companies assisted 110 jobs created £0.64m increased sales M 1.2£6,272,685£2,706,0171,200 SMEs assisted460 jobs created £34m increased sales M 1.3£22,800,000£5,700,00076 SMEs Assisted 17 Investments 16 jobs created £10.2m increased sales M 1.4£51,947,791£21,772,7223,702 SMEs Assisted2,838 jobs created £175m increased sales M 3.1£18,422,247£7,486,57513,066m 2 premises provided 199 jobs created £15.78m increased sales M 3.2£ 17,115,774£ 6,814,88270 visitor/cultural attractions or facilities 15 Environ. Schemes 184 jobs created £9m increased sales £118,830,085£45,480,1963,807 jobs£244.62m
The Regional Action Plan Measure 1.1 Enterprise Development: –Activities undertaken: Stimulate new entrepreneurial business start-ups and Spin-outs, including mentoring Entrepreneurship development (including Graduate) Innovation and product development for new start ups Mentoring, management and human resource development –Projects: x2 Graduate Entrepreneurship (UCLan) New Enterprise Scholarship (University of Cumbria)
The Regional Action Plan Measure 1.2 – Business Support: –Activities undertaken: business counselling, advice, and consultancy supply chain initiatives technology transfer –Projects / Themes: Advanced Manufacturing Design Tourism (Business Beacon Scheme) Virtual Environment Technology International Trade support Regional Creative Industries
The Regional Action Plan Measure Access to Finance: –Activities undertaken: Venture capital Investment Fund Access to Finance –Projects / Themes: The Business Investment Scheme (BIS) –Stimulate a higher rate of business formation, survival and growth in the region by providing access to investment finance for entrepreneurial start-ups and SMEs –Create a regional market for private sector investment
The Regional Action Plan Measure 1.4 Knowledge Transfer &Innovation: –Activities undertaken: Knowledge Transfer Innovation awareness and support Entrepreneurship Competitiveness & Growth –Projects & Themes: 32 Projects Cluster & Sector Support Construction Graduate Retention Tourism Innovation Environmental Technologies Applied R&D Food & Drink Chemicals Digital & Creative Adv. Engineering & Materials Creative Industries Finance & Professional Services Biotechnology/ Healthcare
The Regional Action Plan Measure 3.1 – Strategic Infrastructure (Knowledge Transfer) –Activities undertaken Premises for knowledge transfer activities, linked to centres for innovation, and projects enabling SMEs/start-ups –Projects x 4: ‘Media Factory’ (UCLan) – Creative Industries/ Incubator Salford Innovation Factory (Salford CC) - Incubator ‘Innospace’ (MMU) – Incubation facilities ‘Innovation Factory’ (Uni. Bolton) – Innovation/ Prototype Development
The Regional Action Plan Measure Maximising the NW’s Natural, Cultural and Heritage Assets –Activities undertaken: Support for the Natural Economy - improvements to the quality of the region’s natural environment; Tourism – support to the ‘Regional Gems’ and visitor experience –Projects / Themes: 11 projects e.g. ENVIRONMENTALTOURISM/ HERITAGE Cleveleys Coastal Regeneration Accommodation provision (Cumbria) Geltsdale – RSPB Museums – Fusiliers & Harris Wigan Greenheart Destination Mary Port Grizedale – Forestry Commission Sense of Place (Mcr) Regeneration by Light (Blackpool)
Results generated to-date: £43.578m ERDF Grant (95.8%) Outputs/ ResultsAchieved as at 31/10/2008 % of overall target New Start-ups245111% SMEs Assisted5,565108% New Products & Processes Developed 2,480183% Premises Provided (m2)13,084100% New/Improved Visitor Facilities & Attractions 4970% Environmental Schemes1386% New Jobs Created3, % Increased Sales Generated£ m140%
Examples of ERDF Infrastructure Investment Media Factory: UCLan The state-of-the-art Media Factory project provides a specialist centre for the Digital & Creative Industries, including incubation facilities.
Examples of ERDF Investment: The ‘Innospace’ Project Attached to MMU’s Business School, ‘Innospace’ provides incubation facilities for graduate start-up businesses.
Examples of ERDF Infrastructure Investment Salford Innovation Forum The Salford Innovation Forum is a partnership project led by Salford City Council in conjunction with the University of Salford.
Examples of ERDF Investment – supporting the Natural Economy Cleveleys Promenade In conjunction with wider DEFRA sea defence re-construction the project supported the re-design of the promenade.
Regional Action Plan – What we Learnt: 1.Commission to achieve RES 2.Keep focus 3.Enforce partnership early 4.Enforce compliance early 5.Leave legacy