Classical Greece
Geographic Influence Sea Sea Proximity promoted trade among the various city states Proximity promoted trade among the various city states Land Land Mountains isolated the valleys; this fostered independence Mountains isolated the valleys; this fostered independence Climate Climate Not too hot or cold; allowed for the growing of crops for trade Not too hot or cold; allowed for the growing of crops for trade
3 Groups in Control of Greece Mycenaens Ancient Greece Dorians The Athenians and Spartans Macedonians Alexander the Great
Trojan War 1194 BCE Homer's The Iliad and The Odessey Mycenaean kings fought a 10 year war against Troy Prince Paris kidnapped Hellen Prince Paris kidnapped Hellen Greeks “launched a 1,000 ships” to get her back Greeks “launched a 1,000 ships” to get her back “Trojan Horse” “Trojan Horse”
Sparta Military based city state Military based city state Valued duty, honor, strength, and discipline Valued duty, honor, strength, and discipline Ruled by two kings and a council Ruled by two kings and a council
The Persian War Persia versus Greece The wars started when King Darius of Persia wanted to conquer the Greek peninsula. The wars started when King Darius of Persia wanted to conquer the Greek peninsula. Through unity and effort, the Greeks defeated the powerful Persia. Through unity and effort, the Greeks defeated the powerful Persia. Sparta and Athens played a large part in this victory. Sparta and Athens played a large part in this victory. This victory gave city-states a new sense of confidence and freedom. This victory gave city-states a new sense of confidence and freedom. Athens gained prominence because the victory gave the city - state wealth and power. Athens gained prominence because the victory gave the city - state wealth and power.
Persian War
Major Persian War Battles Marathon (490 BCE) 26 miles from Athens Thermopylae (480 BCE) 300 Spartans at the mountain pass eature=related eature=related Salamis (480 BCE) Athenian navy victorious
Peloponnesian War Sparta hated Athens Sparta hated Athens Athenian rise in power and wealth after the Persian War. Athenian rise in power and wealth after the Persian War. Athens and Sparta both wanted war Athens and Sparta both wanted war because they thought they had a great advantage at winning. because they thought they had a great advantage at winning. The war lasted 27 years. The war lasted 27 years. Athens = sea power Athens = sea power Sparta = geographical advantage Sparta = geographical advantage Sparta could not be easily attacked from the sea. Athens plagued by disease and defeat lost its wealth and power to Sparta which caused political change in the city-state. Sparta could not be easily attacked from the sea. Athens plagued by disease and defeat lost its wealth and power to Sparta which caused political change in the city-state.
Peloponnesian Wars
Socrates “ The unexamined life is not worth living”. “ The unexamined life is not worth living”. Believed that absolute standards existed for truth and justice. Believed that absolute standards existed for truth and justice. One should question their moral character. One should question their moral character. Love him or Hate him. Love him or Hate him. Sentenced to death for “corrupting the youth of Athens” Sentenced to death for “corrupting the youth of Athens” ext=1&list=PLD7B A661&feature=results_vide o&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 ext=1&list=PLD7B A661&feature=results_vide o&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 ext=1&list=PLD7B A661&feature=results_vide o&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 ext=1&list=PLD7B A661&feature=results_vide o&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
Plato Student of Socrates Studied human behavior Wrote the 1st book on political science – “ The Republic” Believed more in the state of man than the individual Felt that service to the community more important than personal goals Too much freedom led to social disorder Only the most intelligent and best educated citizens should participate in government
Aristotle Influenced the basics of logical thinking Wrote “Politics”- a book that analyzed the advantages and disadvantage of political structures in the Greek city – states Government should be balanced between monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy Middle class should be in power because they knew how to command and obey
Athens: The Arts & Sciences Literature Herodotus and Thucydides – Historian (told stories of the past) DRAMA (tragedians): Sophocles Euripides THE SCIENCES: Pythagoras Hippocrates “Father of Medicine” Eratosthenes (showed Earth was round) Archimedes (considered the greatest mathematician of his age)
Phidias’ Acropolis
The Acropolis Today
The Parthenon
The Classical Greek “Ideal”
The Ancient Olympics: Athletes & Trainers
Golden “Age of Pericles”: 460 BCE – 429 BCE
Pericles - 3 Goals for Athens He wanted to strengthen the Athenian democracy He wanted to strengthen the Athenian democracy He wanted to strengthen the Greek Empire He wanted to strengthen the Greek Empire He wanted to bring glory back to Athens He wanted to bring glory back to Athens He introduced direct democracy to Athens He introduced direct democracy to Athens
Democracy The direct cause of Athenian democracy was fear of peasant revolts. The direct cause of Athenian democracy was fear of peasant revolts. An important feature to Athenian democracy was that increased the number of paid officials. An important feature to Athenian democracy was that increased the number of paid officials. Athenian democracy and the Golden Age ended by military defeat. Athenian democracy and the Golden Age ended by military defeat.
Alexander the Great 20 years old when he became ruler of Macedonia and Greece 20 years old when he became ruler of Macedonia and Greece Taught by Aristotle Taught by Aristotle Taught about everything in the Greek world Taught about everything in the Greek world Wanted to defeat the Persians because of earlier invasion of Greece Wanted to defeat the Persians because of earlier invasion of Greece Defeated the Persians and created the largest empire of it’s day. Defeated the Persians and created the largest empire of it’s day.
Alexander the Great
Wanted to unite Europe and Asia Wanted to unite Europe and Asia Blended Persian and Greek culture Blended Persian and Greek culture Hellenism Hellenism Alexander never saw his true dream come true because he became ill and died of fever at the age of 33. Alexander never saw his true dream come true because he became ill and died of fever at the age of 33.
Alexander the Great in Persia
Alexander’s Empire
Hellenistic Philosophers Cynics Diogenes ignore social conventions & avoid luxuries. citizens of the world. live a humble, simple life. Epicurians Epicurus avoid pain & seek pleasure. all excess leads to pain! politics should be avoided.
Hellenistic Philosophers Stoics Zeno nature is the expansion of divine will. concept of natural law. get involved in politics, not for personal gain, but to perform virtuous acts for the good of all. true happiness is found in great achievements.
Hellenism: The Arts & Sciences Scientists / Mathematicians: Aristarchus heliocentric theory. Euclid geometry Archimedes pulley Hellenistic Art: More realistic; less ideal than Hellenic art. Showed individual emotions, wrinkles, and age!
Break up of Alexander’s Empire