Selective Prevention Working Group: Considerations for the Performance Indicator Table Reporting to the Plenary Session of the VII Meeting of the CICAD Expert Group on Demand Reduction Ottawa, Sept. 15, 2005 Group Reporter: Mr. Michael Tucker, Jamaica
Output Indicators Measuring what was produced
Overview of Output Indicators, Data Sources – Outreach/Assesst.-Referral ActivityOutput IndicatorData Sources [Outreach] Number and nature of youth contacted. Number and nature of youth enrolled. Outreach workers trained. Outreach methods used. Program documents and administrative databases. [Assessment and Referral] Number and nature of assessments and referrals provided. Individual service plans produced. Program documents and administrative databases.
Overview of Output Indicators, Data Sources – Family/Indiv. Counseling ActivityIndicatorData Sources [Family & Individual Counseling] Number and nature of individual and family counseling sessions conducted. Program documents and administrative databases. [Drug education and Life Skills Training] Number and nature of resource materials prepared. Number and nature of sessions held on drug education and life skills. Program documents and administrative databases.
Overview of Output Indicators, Data Sources – Job training/Life skills ActivityIndicatorData Sources [Job training] Number and nature of: -people assessed and enrolled in training. - trainings held. - trainers who received training. - referrals made. Program documents and administrative databases.
Overview of Output Indicators, Data Sources – Inform. Educ./Literacy ActivityIndicatorData Sources [Informal ed. / Literacy] Level (intensity and frequency) of service/programs delivered. Nature of programs provided. Program documents and administrative databases. [Access to alternative services] Number and nature of alternative services available. Number and nature of youth participants attending in alternative services. Program documents and administrative databases.
Outcome Indicators Measuring initial program impacts
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources -- Outreach OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Outreach] Youth are more aware of availability of services. Change in level of awareness and perception of services/programs. Needs assessment. Intake database. Focus group surveys. Increased number of youth enrolled and using services. Change in number and nature of youth who are enrolling in the program and using services (by type of services used, frequency, and intensity of use). Intake database. Program documents and administrative databases.
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources – Assessment & Referral OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Assessment and Referral] Increase in number of successful referrals. Successful participation in and engagement/completion of the referred service. Length of stay in service referred to. Database for the referred service (attendance, etc.). Satisfaction survey of youth. Survey/interview of service provider.
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources- Family/Indiv. Counseling OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Family & Individual Counseling] Improved family dynamic/ cohesion. Change in communication, problem- solving, decision-making, and other targeted skills. Both parents and children report perception of less conflict in the family, more family activities, and better able to discuss difficult issues. Focus group discussion with parents. Focus group discussion with children. Key informant interview with outreach worker. Counseling records.
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources – Drug Ed. & Life Skills OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Drug education and Life Skills Training] Increased knowledge and awareness of drug use and abuse, related consequences, and healthy alternatives. - Change in level of knowledge and awareness about substance use/abuse and consequences. - Change in ability to make healthy decisions. - Change in ability to resolve conflicts. Intake Data vs. Post-test data. Focus groups (pre-/post). Self-reported survey. Increased capacity to make healthy decisions and resolve conflicts. Change in incidence of violent behavior. Data from other agencies working on violence. Measures of self-reported incidents over time. Measurement (taken over time) in attitudes towards ability to resolve conflicts.
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources – Job training OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Job training] Number of youth assessed, enrolled, and completing training. Change in use and frequency of use of the job training program. Number completed program. Number placed in new jobs and duration. Number dropping out of the program. Increase in job- related skills and work ethics and values. Change in level of knowledge and skills related to job. “Reactionnaire” – perception of competency to do the job (pre- and post-training). Qualitative focus group on work ethic and skills (pre- and post). Increase in job placement rate and successful self-employment. Number of persons placed/time and the average length of time retained in new job. Employment services agency. Follow-up/post-test interviews.
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources – Informal Ed/Literacy OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Informal ed. / Literacy] Change in literacy level while participating in the program. Number of students who pass the literacy/education test at the end of the program. Pre-test/post-scores on literacy/education test to determine change in level of literacy. Informal education. Key informant interview with provider of informal education (e.g., garage mechanic).
Immediate Outcome Indicators and Data Sources – Alternative Services OutcomesIndicatorData Sources [Access to alternative services] Increased number of persons enrolled in alternative services. Change in the number and nature of youth enrolled in alternative services. Administrative databases. Increased number of youth “actively” participating in activities. Change in the frequency and intensity of their involvement in the program. Perceptions (student and provider) of the intervention). Key informant interviews or focus groups (on-site) with youth and with key service providers (Ex. Sports coach). Increased use of “free time” in productive or healthy recreational activities. Key informant interviews or focus groups (on-site) with youth and with key service providers (Ex. Sports coach).