Response to Intervention (RtI): Important Components at the High School Level Charles Johns, Ph.D., Principal, Rolling Meadows High School Christine Martin, ASPIRE North Regional Coordinator & Indian Prairie RtI Coach Lindsay Schrand, NSSED RtI Coach Sharon Tate, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Indian Prairie District #204
Scientifically-Based What is RtI? Problem Solving/RtI Problem Solving Model incorporates 3-Tier Model with Scientifically-Based Data Systems & uses Interventions and Data-Based Decision Making for
Problem Solving including RtI What is RtI? Current Policy: Outcomes-Driven; All Students Problem Solving including RtI Problem Solving Model incorporates
General High School Considerations for Planning: Problem Solving Process Process shouldn’t be different for High School
Problem Solving including RtI What is RtI? Current Policy: Outcomes-Driven; All Students Problem Solving including RtI with 3-Tier Model
5% 5% 15% 15% 80% 80% 3-Tier Model ACADEMIC SYSTEMS BEHAVIORAL SYSTEMS Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment - based High intensity Of longer duration 5% Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment - based Intense, durable procedures 5% Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 15% Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 15% Tier 1 Core Instructional Interventions All students Preventive, proactive 80% 80% Tier 1 Core Instructional Interventions All settings, All students Preventive, proactive STUDENTS
General High School Considerations for Planning: 3-Tier Model Need to create structures for supplemental and intensive instruction
Problem Solving including RtI What is RtI? Current Policy: Outcomes-Driven; All Students Problem Solving including RtI & uses Scientifically-Based Data Systems
District Assessment Plan Shift District approach from: Assessment OF Learning to Assessment FOR Learning. Shift Thinking to “Every Ed”
General High School Considerations for Planning: Data Systems Use of Data Readily Available ISAT/PSAE GPA Attendance Discipline Referrals Add Common Assessments Formative Summative
Problem Solving including RtI What is RtI? Current Policy: Outcomes-Driven; All Students Problem Solving including RtI and Scientifically-Based Interventions
General High School Considerations for Planning: Scientifically-Based Instruction & Interventions Need to improve instructional reach through universal design for learning principles Content Enhancement Strategies Learning Strategies Move to “deep” rather than “wide” curricular expectations
Problem Solving including RtI What is RtI? Current Policy: Outcomes-Driven; All Students Problem Solving including RtI for Data-Based Decision Making
The “New Way”: RtI and Individual Referral-Driven Problem Identification Combines the use of benchmark data from the universal screening process to identify students needing supplemental or intensive instruction (RtI), along with continued use of an individual student referral driven process to identify students who may require additional academic or behavioral intervention.
Schools Use CBM in Universal Screening Instead of Referral Driven Practices < 25th Tier 2 Candidates <10th Individual Problem Solving and/or Tier 3 Candidates Students below the 25th could be automatically considered for Tier 2 Interventions Students below the 10th percentile could automatically be considered for Problem Solving and RTI Deonta is well below the 10th percentile and should be considered for intensive problem solving and maybe special education for her to benefit from a reading program. Mark Shinn, 2007
How Do you KNOW if Core Instruction is Working: Screen-Many students not Learning at Tier 1 Grade Level Standard Start out and ask if one kid in red is a problem compared to a standard then add the rest of the class and ask again Now does she look like a problem? Kelly in Red Seems to be a Problem
General High School Considerations for Planning: Data-Based Decision-Making Need structure for houses and departments to regularly review data, make instructional/intervention changes
How do we get there? Training Process, Eligibility, & Intervention includes Training Leadership Team & Coaches supported by to create changes in Process, Eligibility, & Intervention & involves by looking at Data Changing Roles
Coaching provides . . . Push-in, continuing staff development Intervention & Technology support “Model-Lead-Test” of concepts taught through training Accountability for quality implementation Fidelity of process, assessments, interventions Moral support
How We Started Information gathered via needs assessment Information was compiled Based on Data determined next steps…
Next Steps… Building Level Leadership Team Format/Process On-Going Needs Assessment Universal Screeners Technology for Integrated Data System Entrance and Exit Criteria for Intervention Professional Development Parent Involvement Role Change Building Level Leadership New teams Add to existing team roles Frequency Process Team Format/Process On-Going Needs Assessment Universal Screeners Technology for Integrated Data System Entrance and Exit Criteria for Intervention Professional Development Parent Involvement Role Change 23
Self-Assessment Consensus Building Research-Based Assessment Practices ID Building Team Communicate with all staff Including parents/stakeholders Research-Based Assessment Practices Screeners, entrance/exit Progress monitoring Technology Solutions Standards-Based Curriculum and Research-Based Instruction Treatment Fidelity Tools Standardize communication regarding resources Student Intervention/Problem Solving Team Systematize Process Develop Policy Intervention Strategy Identification Gap Analysis Tx Integrity & Entrance/Exit Resource Allocation .5 FTE Induction Process Partners (IASPIRE/University) Manual/Handbook Professional Development Priority PD Specialized training Technology Students/Parents
Prioritized Timeline to Prepare Transition Plan Meet with Technology Support Building Leadership Team Outline Professional Development Activities for Next Year Screening Process (data, team, decisions) Policy/Procedure (e.g., Manual/Handbook)
District 204’s High School Implementation Framework
Benchmarking Common Summative/ Formative Assessment Instructional Planning Forms Common Unit/ Course Organizers Begin using data to make decision for students ( GPA, Common Summative And Formative Assessments, homework completion %, discipline data)
Indian Prairie Dist 204 Neuqua Valley Freshmen Campus: Tier 2 Example Problem Solving Team Mark Truckenbrod, Kerry Cahill, Janine Keca, Mart O’Connor, Pam Witt and Michelle Perkins Spring, 2008
Problem Solving and RTI Framework for making preventative decisions and approaching common problems
Definitional Component What’s the Problem? Definitional Component Problem How do you know? What Is Expected Students will pass academic courses Dedicated Teaching Staff, High Expectations What Is Occurring Some courses have higher semester failure rates than others. From semester data, two core course have significantly higher failure rates.
PS Team Decision Our team decided to focus on one academic course. We targeted World Geography because it is a required course and has the most failures first semester.
Problem Analysis Planning Students lack specific skills World Geography Teacher Survey. Absences contribute to low scores on many assignments. Deans’ professional opinion that this is not a concern. Smaller percentages of students than anticipated fit this category. Students have excessive absences or discipline problems. World Geo. Teacher survey. Some teachers assign more homework than others. Interviewed students and teachers about their views of homework. Many students in Biology and World Geo do not pass due to inc. homework Students do not complete homework World Geo Teachers Survey. Teachers in World Geo believe that homework is a key factor. Reading specialists evaluate the validity of current tests. Current middle school tests do not provide enough information. Students lack specific skills Test Observe Interview Review Hypothesis Students do not complete homework Used the Geo survey for teachers as data to confirm hypothesis; they also used pinnacle data to separate out the homework and test grades Students have excessive absences or discipline problems
Why is the Problem Occurring? Student failures may be occurring due to lack of homework completion. Student failures may be occurring due to low test scores.
World Geography Survey Does your department calculate grades based on categories or total points? If categories are used, please list the names and weights. What is your late work policy? Is there a difference between late homework assignments and major assignments? What is your homework policy? Do you assign homework daily
World Geography Survey What is the biggest determining factor in a student’s failure? What can be done to help students succeed?
Specific Intervention The PS team further narrowed its focus on improving student achievement and reducing failure rates in World Geography by targeting homework completion. This decision was based on the World Geography Teacher Survey and current, accumulated data.
Initial Student Target Group 48 Last First Tchr Per ID Lunch Pswrd The initial target group was decreased to 34 students in order to eliminate special education students and students with grade contracts.
Goal In seven weeks, when a student who has failed World Geography first semester begins or continues to fail second semester, this student will attend a 20 minute mandatory homework assistance program monitored by the problem solving team and Social Studies teachers during option period until a passing, satisfactory grade percentage is achieved.
Student Orientation Initial Student Meeting – 4/07/08 Greeting and Introductions – hand out “homework folders” – check to see which students don’t have an assignment notebook. Rationale for “program” Want them to pass classes – especially required classes such as geography. Want them to take ownership for their personal academic success (e.g., use assignment notebook, view pinnacle weekly, check in with adult staff member). Provide extra time in school with teacher support to work on homework and answer questions. Program Mechanics: Each student will be given a folder to track late work, keep all homework in, and track work completion and personal effort on each assignment. Each student who does not currently have an assignment notebook will be given a new one, and is expected to use. Assignment notebook will be checked for completion daily in resource. You will be required to report to a resource room for the first 20 minutes of your option. You are expected to be there when the bell rings. If you don’t show up, dean’s assistants will be sent to find you. Tardy policy will apply to this “class.” You will be assigned an adult staff member at Neuqua who you will check-in with every Friday to review your grade and homework completion rate in geography. You and the staff member you are assigned to will decide on a time when you will consistently meet every week. If you have no missing homework assignments (in geo) when you check-in with your assigned adult AND have a passing grade for the class, you will not be required to attend resource for the following two weeks. If you have missing assignments and/or are failing, you must continue to come. Whether you are required to attend will be decided every other Friday. The contact person will enter Y (yes) or N (no) into the “all-staff” folder to indicate whether their student must attend the ARC for the next two weeks. Attendance will be monitored by the resource teacher on the same log. This program will continue through the remainder of this school year.
Intervention Integrity Assessment Types of integrity assessment for our program: -self-report/log -checklist/rating scale direct observation Students are required to fill our a homework log each day for World Geography. World Geography teachers initial the form each day. Case managers or teachers review the homework log and dialogue with students during 20 minute option time.
Progress Monitoring Plan How? (method) Committee members and teachers monitor academic progress daily and check Pinnacle grades on Fridays for eligibility the following week. What? (materials) Review World Geography folders each day. Students are expected to write down information on logs daily. Where? (location) Option period locations. When? (frequency & time of day) Daily monitoring and set locations. Who? All targeted students currently failing World Geography.
Plan Evaluation-Option Attendance Attendance/ Communication done through common file on school’s server
“What are we going to do now?” - Robert Doisneau, 1952 MO
Current Events We planned to meet in August to refine our ideas and come up with a plan We decided to expand MAR efforts Plans for Math Intervention also came “online” to be implemented in the fall
Current Events Two Efforts To Start This Year - Identified 24 incoming freshman as having a cummulative GPA <2.0 in MS - How will we identify others who we believe will benefit from this intervention?
Current Events We contacted the parents / guardians of the 24 identified freshman Two students have withdrawn from Neuqua Valley High School The other 22 parent/guardians are in full support of the effort (with review each 3 weeks)
Current Events Each student reports to Academic Resource for the first 20 minutes of the period Students are required to present their planners with up-to-date assignments listed for each day We met with AR teachers to ask for their assistance in taking attendance and to outline the intervention (Training?)
Current Events We’ve asked each student to select a Faculty Advisor Brief training for Faculty Advisor Mart & Sandi continue to develop “resources for Resource”
Current Events We will conduct a review of all participating students after each 3 week period or 3 times per quarter Recommendations will be made for students to remain or be exempt from Mandatory AR Parent contacts will be made at this time
Current Events A student is exempt from Mandatory AR when they meet the following benchmarks: - 70% in all classes - No missing assignments
Current Events We are developing a “data review” process 3 week grade checks will remain in effect for each student identified Our current thought is to remain fluid, allowing students to be transitioned in/out of MAR VW
Current Events This is certainly a “work in progress” We continue to use the problem solving model to refine our practices
Current Events Our goal is to eliminate failures due to homework incompletion While homework impacts each department differently, this is a building-wide intervention that needs support from each department
Current Events YOU may be the only Faculty Advisor that can reach that kid Again, very short training for each Faculty Advisor to get you started Short training for each Resource Teacher to get them started
You’ll find more information about Indian Prairie’s RtI process at: IAASE website “RtI from Concept to Reality” page – Illinois ASPIRE website Indian Prairie District 204 website click “course catalog” & type “problem solving” into “search catalog”
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