Unit 12 Additional Evidence Katie Squires
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Logo Idea 1 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it doesn’t stand out that much Logo idea 2 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it looks a bit professional Logo idea 3 I WANT this logo to be my final logo because it stands out
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Business card A good business card has information such as who you are and what you do, what the company is called and contact information like an address, phone, fax and . Business cards are used to help business people network so it is essential that the people you hand them out to have all of this information. Business cards are used to help people remember you and your business so they should be something which has been well designed and looks professional. It should also include your logo so when they look back at it, they remember your company and the sorts of products you sell.
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Letterhead A letterhead is used so that when letters are sent to customers and other manufacturers, they know straight away who the letter was sent from. If a company has a clear brand such as Macdonalds and the Macdonalds logo then having a letter arrive with this branding on makes the company look much more professional. A letter head should first and foremost include the business logo. In addition to this, it should have a variety of contact information so that person sending the letter can be contacted in a way which is convenient to the person recieving the letter. This may be by post, or phone.
1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Newsletter A newsletter is used to give people inforamtion about a specfic topic. A good newsletter will have a clear title and show who has made the newsletter. It will include a range of articles which have their own subheadings and information with images to show what is being talked about in the article. It should also include things such as page numbering so the person reading it can skip straight to the articles they are most interested in and also it should include a ‘points of interest’ to help them identify which articles they might like to read. A newsletter is an opportunity for some free advertising so it should include contact information for the company who created it and also a little bit about the company incase the person reading it wants to know more.
1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Estate I do not want this design to be my final design because I don’t like it Elegant I do not want this design to be my final design because it looks really formal Cascade I WANT this design to be my final design because in like the design.
1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Clay I do not want this colour scheme because it has boring colours and isn’t interesting. Dark blue I do not want this colour scheme because to dark and doesn’t I don’t really like it. Aqua I do WANT this colour scheme because it wasn’t to dark and it wasn’t to light.
Publisher has a wide range of templates available which can be used to create different publications such as posters, leaflets, CV’s, business cards etc. Each template makes it easier to create the publication you wish to create but also the templates that are available can be applied to multiple publications so they all follow the same theme. This is good because it means that all of the documentation from your business can match and this will make you look more professional. I used the same design for my business card, letterhead and newsletter because if they are all different they would look like they were from a different company or person. In addition, I used a colour scheme which matched my logo because I wanted to make sure that everything looked professional and it seems silly to have a blue logo then a yellow letterhead or business card. I think my business card, letterhead and newsletter look good because they have the same templates and colour scheme so it is obvious that they all belong to the same company. 1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication.
2.3 Describe how copyright constraints affect use of own and others’ information. Copyright is a law which protects people from having their work copied by others. Under the law, if you want to use something that doesn’t belong to you like a picture or a song then you have to either use one which is copyright free or you can get permission. Sometimes permission means asking them, sometimes paying them and sometimes it means referencing them on your website or being clear that the work came from them. I have followed copyrgiht law in my work by referencing the websites of all articles in my newsletter, into my research document. I have also included my logo in a copyright table as it came from vista print so they own the rights to the logo.
2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images..PUB - stands for publisher. there are loads of different templates to be used when using publisher like, letters, business cards and so many more. If you need to edit the templates to suit or make your business to look better. If you make a business card and you want to show others then you save it as either PDF or you can print it..PDF – portable document folder. You can look at files without having any of the software it was created on for example publisher..JPEG/.JPG – JPEG is often used for digital camera images because it has a fairly small file size for the quality that it displays. If you download something from the internet it is often JPEG..PNG – stands for portable network graphics. Lots of people use png photos for a logo or many other things..PSD – stands for Photoshop document. Need Photoshop to open the big files. Files will be really good quality. Most files are really big in size but not all are..TIFF – its for a picture file. Stands for Tagged Image File Format, its rarely used today.
Publisher is a type of software we can use to create, newsletters, letters ( letterhead ), business cards, posters, CV’s etc. It is good to use because it has loads of different templates to help you design somehting which is personal to you and your company. Publisher files can only be opened by people who also have the software. To make sure everyone can see your publisher files whether they have the software or not, they can save them as PDF files. These are portable files which can be viewed on any computer so its a good habit to get into to save your files as PDF’s. Picture files come in many different types but some of the most common are PNG, TIFF and JPEG. When choosing what to save my logo at I considered file size and quality as TIFF files take up lots of space but PNG are very small. TIFF are excellent quality but PNG and JPEG are also both quite good. PNG can save images with a transparent background which is useful for a logo so this is what I chose. 2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images.