Cognitive Science “Instructional media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in our nutrition." (Clark, 1983, p. 445) Introduction
Cognitive Science Overview Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Integrated Model of Text & Picture Comprehension Application to the Design of Multimedia Instruction Next Week Cognitive Load Theory Draft Design Document Due
Cognitive Science Information Processing
Cognitive Science What is multimedia? Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia: “presenting both words and pictures.” Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning Vitruvius, mmons/thumb/9/9e/VitruviusTenBooks MHMorgan1914p296.jpg/566px- VitruviusTenBooksMHMorgan1914p296.jpg
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning Comenius, net/images/cesariano.jpg
Cognitive Science Delivery Medium System used to present instruction (e.g., book, computer, voice) Presentation Mode Format used to represent the instruction (e.g., words, pictures) Sensory Modality Information processing channel used by learner (e.g., auditory, visual) Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Delivery Medium System used to present instruction (e.g., book, computer, voice) Presentation Mode Format used to represent the instruction (e.g., words, pictures) Sensory Modality Information processing channel used by learner (e.g., auditory, visual) Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science What is multimedia learning? Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia learning Mayer: Building mental representations from words and pictures. Schnotz: Using external representations as information sources to construct internal representations of learning content, and storing these representations in long-term memory. Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science What is the rationale for multimedia learning? Multimedia Learning
Scenario Cognitive Science Class Discussion What does the multimedia principle predict? Discuss its implication for the design of multimedia learning environments. Consider: -the modalities/presentation modes used -the type of learning fostered -the learning outcomes achieved Report a summary of your thoughts to the class.
Cognitive Science Multimedia principle: People learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone. Desired Learning Outcomes Remembering (Retention) Understanding (Transfer) Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Metaphors Multimedia Learning as Information Acquisition Multimedia Learning as Knowledge Construction What are the implications of each metaphor for the design of multimedia instruction? Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning as Information Acquisition Teacher: Information provider Learner: Passive recipient Content: Information Goal: Add information to memory Multimedia: Delivery vehicle Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning as Information Acquisition Teacher: Information provider Learner: Passive recipient Content: Information Goal: Add information to memory Multimedia: Delivery vehicle Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning as Knowledge Construction Teacher: Information provider Cognitive guide Learner: Passive recipient Active sense-maker Content: Information Knowledge Goal: Add information Build coherent mental structure Multimedia: Delivery vehicle Provides cognitive guidance Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Multimedia Learning as Knowledge Construction Teacher: Information provider Cognitive guide Learner: Passive recipient Active sense-maker Content: Information Knowledge Goal: Add information Build coherent mental structure Multimedia: Delivery vehicle Provides cognitive guidance Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Assumptions Dual Channels (Dual Coding, Paivio, 1986, Baddeley, 1992 ) Limited Capacity (Cognitive Load, Sweller, 1999; Baddeley, 1992 ) Active Processing ( Wittrock, 1989 ) Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Assumptions Active Processing ( Wittrock, 1989, 1992 ) To comprehend, the learner must actively create meaningful relations. -Relationships among instructional concepts -Relationships between instructional concepts and the learner’s prior knowledge and experience Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Active Learning Multimedia Learning Cognitive Activity LOWHIGH LOW ?? HIGH ?? Behavioral Activity
Cognitive Science Active Learning Multimedia Learning Cognitive Activity LOWHIGH LOWDoes not foster meaningful learning Fosters meaningful learning HIGHDoes not foster meaningful learning Fosters meaningful learning Behavioral Activity
Cognitive Science Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Select Images Select Words Organize Images Organize Words Sounds Images Integrate Verbal Model (Verbal Mental Representation) Pictures Words Multimedia Presentation Ears Eyes Sensory Memory Pictorial Model (Visual Mental Representation) Long-term Memory Prior Knowledge Working Memory
Cognitive Science Select relevant information from what is presented -words –> processed in verbal WM (text base) -images –> processed in visual WM (image base) Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Organize the pieces of information into a coherent mental representation -text base –> verbal mental model -image base –> pictorial mental model -Associative processing: Associations within visual and within verbal system Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Integrate the newly constructed representation with others -Build referential connections between the two representations -Integrate with mental model Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model Sensory Registers Working Memory Long term memory Perceptual Level: multiple sensory channels Cognitive Level: verbal and pictorial channels
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model Two Basic Forms of Representation: Descriptive representations - consist of symbols Relationship to referent based on convention Depictive representations - consist of icons Relationship to referent based on perceptual similarity
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model Forms of Internal Representation: Verbal: Text-surface representation Propositional Model Descriptive Pictorial: Perceptual representation Mental model Depictive
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model Both verbal and pictorial information can enter working memory through different sensory channels Both verbal and pictorial information require prior knowledge that is stored in long-term memory
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model Selection of information Organization of information Activation of prior knowledge Active coherence formation by integration of information from different sources
Cognitive Science Integrated Text & Picture Comprehension Model How does this model differ from the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning?
Cognitive Science Media Effects Is one medium better than another? Multimedia Effects Is multimedia instruction effective? Single vs. multiple representations Interaction Effects For whom is multimedia effective? (Mayer, 1997) Multimedia Learning
Scenario Cognitive Science Group Activity How can the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and the Integrated Model of Text & Picture Comprehension be used to inform the design of effective multimedia instruction? Use your own example or one of these scenarios for your answer. Introduce medical students to human anatomy. Improve freshmen students’ Arabic vocabulary and support the process of reading a text in Arabic. Train experienced pilots on the instruments of a new type of airplane. Introduce the history of the American civil war to high school students. Teach college students about molecular structures in organic chemistry.