Keaton Miller February 3 rd General Assembly
Call the Meeting To Order / Approval of the Minutes and Agenda
Agenda in Brief 1. Approval of Minutes and Agenda 2. Officer Updates (30 minutes) 3. Graduate Student Fees Resolution and Committee (20 minutes) 4. Discussion: Crime Alerts & Campus Safety (10 minutes) 5. Special Committee on Graduate Education Report (10 minutes) 6. Election of New Executive Vice President (10 minutes) 7. Election of New Senators (5 minutes)
Vice President of University Relations Update on Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee Resolution (with GEC Rep Nicole Scott) Cross-Disciplinary Workshop Recap Spring 2014 Survey Call for Participation Opportunities for Feedback on Survey Questions
Vice President of Internal Relations Orientation Planning Career Networking Events Planning Surviving the Minnesota Winter Event Recap
Grad & Professional Student Appreciation Week Career Networking Workshops and Breakfast Dr. Robert Fuller on Dignity in Advising Relationships Graduate Student Research Showcase Family and Friends Bowling Night Ice Cream Social Outing to the Walker Symposium on the Social Impact of Stress Ticket Giveaways to Cultural and Sporting Events (Roller Derby? Northrop Opening Events?) Possible Community Building Event
Vice President of Communications Website Updates Completed Potential Submission to Graduate School Interdisciplinary Initiative
GEC Representatives Update Report from previous GEC Meeting Roommate Database Update Stress Symposium Update Resources for Government Jobs
Executive Vice President Committees Call for Participation Student Health Advisory Committee Board of Governors Council of International Graduate Students Update
Vice President of Finance Update on GAPSA Financial Separation
President Revision of Constitution & Bylaws / SSFC Request Research Showcase with Graduate School on April 8 th (Northrop) Graduate Student Teaching Award & CTL Partnership Graduate Student Learning Outcomes Student Senate Update –Resolutions supporting Gender Neutral Housing, Divesting from Conflict Minerals, Professional Student Tuition Structure pass –Resolution supporting administrative cuts fails –Considering resolutions on Open Access Textbooks, Bankruptcy Provisions for Student Loans, State Student Loans, Protections for Trans Students –Markingson Case –Student Senate Election Voting Units
Some Other Programming Stuff Public and Community Engagement Work Outing to Crashed Ice in St. Paul on Sunday, February 22 nd Work with Carlson School Students –Social Hour with Carlson Students 2/17 –APDCC Collaboration
Graduate Student Fees Resolution and Committee
Crime Alerts & Campus Safety
Update Student Leaders Meeting with Betsy Hodges Campus Safety Forum on January 29 th Discussion of Issues: Should we take a position?
Special Committee on Graduate Education Report
Election of New Executive Vice President
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT The executive vice president works with the president in representing COGS in both University and non- university settings. S/he is primarily responsible for maintaining full graduate student representation on University, Graduate School, and GAPSA committees or assemblies and supporting and filling in for the president as needed. S/he is also responsible for recruiting COGS reps from the programs. Elected: at the April/May GA meeting. Term begins/ends on June 30 th Routine duties include: officially representing COGS before University administration, University organizations, and outside groups; taking the president’s place when needed; recruiting graduate students for non-internal committees; attending monthly executive committee meetings; acting as official liaison between COGS and University Senate; attending monthly University and Student Senate meetings; oversees committee reports back to COGS; identifying, studying and attempting to resolve potential and real problems confronting graduate students at the U of MN. Special Projects and Responsibilities include: reading and judging travel grant applications; assisting with grad student orientations and other COGS-sponsored events; meeting semesterly with the President and with the Provost; coordinating with GAPSA on Senate and Senate committee representation issues. Estimated Time Commitment: 8-10 hours per month in routine meetings; 3-4 hours per month for other activities and preparation Stipend: $750 distributed as $ quarterly
Election of New Senators
SENATOR Senators are elected from the graduate student body to serve as voting members on the Student Senate, the University Senate, and the GAPSA General Assembly. The number of senators varies from year to year (between ten and five) Because of the timing of these meetings, it is entirely possible to ‘split’ the position into Senator and GAPSA GA Rep. Elected: at the April/May GA meeting. Term begins/ends on June 30 th Routine duties include: attending Student Senate meetings, University Senate meetings, and GAPSA General Assembly meetings; communicating topics to the general assembly of COGS and results back to it, attending COGS general assembly meetings; notifying the Executive Vice President of necessary absences. Optional duties include: attending COGS executive board meetings; participating in COGS-sponsored events; serving on Senate committees. The Executive Vice President serves as the head of the senate ‘slate’ and is responsible for organizing communication between senators. Senators may also serve as College Delegation Leads. Estimated Time Commitment: 4-6 hours monthly at routine meetings