Youth Protection Policy. Our Mission Cowboy Country Youth Exchange is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all our.


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Presentation transcript:

Youth Protection Policy

Our Mission Cowboy Country Youth Exchange is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all our Youth Exchange Students, both inbound and outbound.

The PROBLEM Sexual abuse problems do occur for some of our students during the course of the exchange program Nothing suggests there is more or less likelihood of abusive situations in this program as opposed to general adolescent population

Problems unique to RYE Cultural differences make universal definitions of sexual abuse extremely difficult to establish Cultural stereotyping can expose students to abuse that other students from the host culture would not be subjected to

RI Certification Requirements Adoption of Youth Protection Policy Development and implementation of training program for clubs and students Development of screening process for adults involved in program Development of processes for protection of student Establishment of process for investigation of allegations and record-keeping Obtain RI Certification for program

Statement of Conduct It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of children and young people with whom they come into contact.

Scope of Policy Applies to all D Rotarians and Volunteers who wish to become district youth exchange members, club youth exchange officers, club counselors, chaperones or host families in club- sponsored programs. Applies to all adults age 18 and older who reside in the home

District 5440 : Has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against abuse and harassment Does everything in our power to ensure that young people are protected Takes any allegations or reports of abuse or harassment seriously; reports timely Prevents contact with known persons who are prohibited by law from working with children

Definitions Sexual abuse: Forcing or encouraging a student to engage in sexual acts with another person of any age, of the same sex or the opposite sex as defined in applicable state law.

Sexual harassment Deliberate or repeated behavior of a sexual nature that is unwelcome, unasked for or rebuked. Refers to sexual advances, requests for favors or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Definition includes conduct directed by men towards women, men toward men, women towards men, and women towards women.

Youth Protection Policy Do –Treat students with respect - be aware of your tone of voice & manner and their reactions –OK to touch and hug students in a way that is not intrusive/disturbing to them or observers –Control who they hang around with –Communicate with District Youth Protection Officer if there are any allegations or suspicions or if you have questions

Youth Protection Policy DO NOT –Engage in rough physical games including horseplay –Use physical force in any way, especially as a form of punishment –Touch an exchange student in any way that could be interpreted as intrusive or sexual –Make sexually suggestive comments, even as a joke –Spend excessive time alone with a student, this may lead to misunderstanding

Volunteer Screening All volunteers must: Complete the Volunteer Affidavit. Undergo personal interviews Undergo a criminal background check Meet Rotary International and District 5440 eligibility for working with students Understand and comply with Rotary International and District 5440 guidelines for the Youth Exchange program.

Host Family Screening Requirements Commitment to the safety and security of students Motivation for hosting a student consistent with Rotary ideals of international understanding Financial ability to provide adequate accommodations for student Completion of written application Home visit must be conducted for each family All host family members age 18 and over who reside in the home of a host family must meet the selection and screening guidelines.

Background Check Criminal background check assuring they: Have not admitted to, been convicted of or otherwise found to have engaged in an offense which resulted in harm to an individual, including assault or sexual assault or sexual battery. Have not been convicted of any offense which, in the opinion of the DPO, suggests an unacceptable risk of harm to a person in the care of that individual. Are not subject to a court order or decree prohibiting a person from being in contact with any other individual. Have no children under the age of eighteen living in or frequenting their residence that have been convicted of or treated for sexually inappropriate conduct.

Counselor Screening In addition to volunteer screening requirements: Counselors must not be a member of the student’s host family. Counselors shall be trained in responding to any problems or concerns which may arise during the exchange, which may include instances of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or harassment.

STUDENT SELECTION AND SCREENING All participating students shall: –Complete a written application and be interviewed –Attend all district orientation and training sessions. All parents or legal guardians of participating students must: –Be interviewed to help determine the student’s suitability for participation. –At least one parent or legal guardian shall attend outbound district orientation

TRAINING All participating volunteers shall participate in at least one training session every three years. Training provided under the direction of the District Youth Exchange Chairman.

OUTBOUND STUDENT REPORTING Report the situation to: – host club YEO. – host District RYE Chairperson if you feel you cannot tell host YEO, or, –any member of the host District Rotary Committee who you feel comfortable talking to, or, –to your Sponsoring District 5440 Country Representative, District Chairman or the YPO.

Inbound Student Reporting Report the situation to host club YEO immediately, or to: host District RYE Chairperson or the YPO, or, to any member of the host District Rotary Committee who you feel comfortable reporting it to, or to your Sponsoring District Chairman

Parent Reporting Report to the D5440 RYE Committee member who is responsible for child’s country (Country Contact). OR - the D5440 Country Contact, OR - contact either the D5440 RYE Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman or the District 5440 Youth Protection Officer.

INVESTIGATION BY DISTRICT The District Chairman will be notified IMMEDIATELY. Responsible for ensuring that complaints are dealt with according to applicable law and the interests of the affected person are protected to the extent possible.

CRISIS MANAGEMENT TEAM Host and Sponsoring District Chairman Co-Chairman Country Contact District Youth Protection Officer District Governor

Allegation Procedure Chairman will contact Crisis Management Team Crisis Management Team will: –Assess the situation –Notify all necessary parties –Assure student has been removed from situation –Notify YE Chair –Serve as primary contact for student, parents, host family, Social Services, police, other authorities –Advocate for the victim assuring needs are met –Act as link to professional caring agencies

Procedure Student shall be offered immediate support services, District Governor will be notified of incident and kept advised of developments. Confidentiality of the student and any person against whom allegations are made will be respected in accordance with applicable law.

Sanctions Termination of membership Convicted Non-Rotarian Club sanctions for failure to remove member

CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES Clubs wishing to participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program shall be required to undergo the annual district certification process for compliance with these procedures.

All clubs that wish to apply to the district for certification must develop: List of services in the area (rape and suicide crisis hotline, alcohol and drug awareness programs, law enforcement agencies, community services, etc.) Club youth protection policy training program.

Participating clubs agree to: Compliance Statement Youth Volunteer Affidavits Host Family Selection/Screening/Training process Procedures for removal of student from home Follow Abuse and Harassment Reporting Guidelines Provide Crisis Support Service list Club Counselor provided/training

Participating clubs agree to: Report all serious incidents (accidents, crimes, early returns, death) involving Youth Exchange students to the District Youth Exchange Chairman immediately. Conduct interviews of all applicants and applicants’ parents or legal guardians. Plan club activities so as to minimize situations where abuse may occur. Resources should be organized in such a way so that students have a chaperone of the same gender. Avoid situations where one child is supervised by one adult.

What to do if your exchange student tells you of Harassment and/or Abuse –Listen attentively & let him/her know it was right to tell you –Assure him/her that they are not to blame –Remain calm and make sure student feels safe –Encourage student to share with you what happened and who was involved –Make detailed notes including date & time –Don’t promise to keep secrets & explain the necessity of informing Youth Protection Officer

Caution Most important concern is victim Rotarians should not speculate, make editorial comments to media or others or offer personal opinions. “No Comment” is appropriate. Members should be cautioned about commenting on the situation and possibilities of slander or libel claims If Rotarian is accused – remove from all possible contact with victim and other youth and treat as other accused would be treated

Always remember - We are legally and morally responsible for the well being of other parents’ children With all of us working together, we can keep our exchange students safe and make this a meaningful and happy exchange experience for all of us.