1 Update on the Personnel Preparation Program Student Data Report: Purpose, Results, and Issues Dr. Bonnie Jones, OSEP Karen Schroll, Westat Dr. Marsha Brauen, Westat
2 Student Data Report (SDR) OSEP collects data annually on students who are receiving OSEP grant support. Grantees enter student-level data for each student supported on the grant. The report provides a full profile of students as they enter, progress through, and exit grant-supported training programs.
3 Student Data Report (continued) Student characteristics (e.g., gender, age) Student training and employment prior to entry in grant-supported training Current training information (e.g., degree pursuing, training area) Employment during training Student status at exit from grant-supported training Employment information at exit from grant- supported training
4 Data are collected online. Grantees receive a user ID and password. They have 60 days to enter data. The website includes the following reports: Summary of data entered for each student; Summary of key items for each student on grant. Data from FY2001, FY2002, FY2003, and FY2004 are posted on the homepage.
5 History of data collection Piloted in FY2000 Data collected for FY2001, FY2002, FY2003, and FY2004 Purpose: To provide OSEP with information needed to assess the effectiveness of the resources expended to train educators
6 Response rates
7 Reporting good data Grantees: Report data only on students funded with OSEP monies Use the same ID for a student each year – they do not create a new ID for a student each year; Keep a list of the IDs assigned to their students; and Exit students from the system when they stop funding them. Students are considered to have completed training when they complete all courses grantees intended to fund them for.
8 Who are we training? Data on students new to grant- supported training in FY2004
9 Gender
10 Race/ethnicity
11 Disability status
12 Age
13 Prior degree area
14 Status at the end of FY2004 N% Completed the program2, Active participant4, Exited prior to completion
15 Completion status
16 What factors are related to completion and noncompletion of the training program?
17 Reasons for exiting prior to completion – FY2004 N% Continued enrollment in this or another training program, but no OSEP monies provided Grant support terminated due to grant ending Poor academic/ field-based performance Other personal reasons Multiple exit reasons Transfer to another program in special education355.0 Health of self or family273.9 Moved142.0 Multiple personal reasons142.0 Obtained employment121.7 Transfer to another program not in special education50.7 Financial stress or burden10.1 Total Frequency missing = 26
18 Gender and program completion MaleFemale Completed the program % 2, % Did not complete the program % % Total % 2, %
19 Percent of students who did not complete the program
20 Race/ethnicity and program completion White (non Hispanic) Non- White Completed the program1, % % Did not complete the program % % Total2, % %
21 Percent of students who did not complete the program
22 Disability status and program completion Has a disability Does not have a disability Completed the program % 2, % Did not complete the program % % Total % 2, %
23 Percent of students who did not complete the program
24 Percent of students who did not complete the program, by age
25 Percent of students who did not complete the program
26 Degree pursued and program completion among program exiters Postdoc/ PhD Ed Spec Ed Spec and State Cred MastersMasters and State Cred BachAssocState Cred Grantee Endors/ Courses only Completed the program % % % % % % % % % Did not complete the program % % % % % % % % % Total % % % % % % % % %
27 Questions? Please feel free to contact us. Karen Schroll (301) Bonnie Jones (202)