1 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Training and Technical Assistance Update Jennifer Somers Team Lead for Training & Technical Assistance/ Senior Policy Advisor Weatherization Assistance Program NASCSP 2011 Annual Conference Seattle, WA
2 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov WAP Training and Technical Assistance Plan Section 1 – Context : WAP, DOE and T&TA Section 2 – Direction: The overall T&TA effort and rationale Section 3 – Updates: Brief progress reports More In Depth Detail… 1:45 PM Today – WAP Training: What Happens after ARRA 8:30 AM Friday – WAP Multifamily Weatherization Presentation Outline
3 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov The WAP Training and Technical Assistance Plan How T&TA efforts fit into Department of Energy Goals Section 1: Context
4 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Recovery Act: By the Numbers On $ 80 Billion in Clean Energy $12 Billion in Energy Efficiency $8 Billion in Building Retrofits $5 Billion to the WAP The Weatherization Assistance Program On target to Weatherize more than 700,000 homes by the end of the Recovery Act Created 15,400 new jobs
5 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Residential energy savings are a key component of DOE’s long term strategy Low-Income weatherization represents a significant portion of those savings The WAP program must produce measurable results to be considered an effective component of DOE’s larger goals The WAP is the national standard bearer for home energy retrofit knowledge. The program must leverage that expertise The WAP National Training and Technical Assistance Plan was developed to assist the WAP in producing quality work and training a qualified workforce Department Goals and WAP
6 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Whole Home Retrofits: Untapped Opportunity
7 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov The WAP National T&TA Plan ARRA increased T&TA funds from 10% to 20% $1 Billion/ $5 Billion T&TA The Weatherization Assistance Program National Weatherization Training and Technical Assistance Plan is the plan for $138.5 M
8 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Quality Work = Sustainability The T&TA Plan is building tools and resources to ensure that the WAP is able to produce high quality work and demonstrate that quality to stakeholders. The Weatherization Assistance Program has 30 years of building science expertise and energy retrofit work behind it. It is the largest group of experts in home energy upgrades in the country. By utilizing the expertise of the WAP program, the DOE is seeking to lay the foundation for a robust private market for home energy upgrades. The WAP T&TA Plan
9 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov The Big Picture The Training and Technical Assistance Plan’s overall goals and how it will benefit clients and workers. Section 2: Direction
10 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Training and Certification of Workers Defining Worker Tasks Creating Work Specifications Framework for Sustainability Professional Workers/ Quality Work Market Expansion Multifamily Energy Audit Tool Standard Work Specifications Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program Private Market Integration Better Buildings Building America Energy Star Healthy Homes Wx Plus Health Regulatory Changes Grant to Loan Appendix A National Evaluation Non Energy Benefits Study
11 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Guidelines for Home Energy Upgrade Professionals –Standard Work Specifications –Job Task Analysis Training Program Accreditation Worker Certification Training Resources and Tools –WAP Standardized Curriculum –National Weatherization Training Platform –WAP Training Centers –National Audit Tools- Adding Multi-Family/Healthy Homes Quality Work / Qualified Workers
12 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals –Single Family –Multifamily –Mobile Home Worker Certification Training Center Accreditation Training Resources and Tools –WAP Standardized Curriculum –National Weatherization Training Platform –Weatherization Training Centers Multifamily Suite of Resources –Standard Work Specifications –Multifamily Energy Audit Tool Weatherization Plus Health Section 3: Progress Updates
13 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Single Family 13 September st draft Standard Work Specifications & JTAs Spring 2012 Single Family Final On-line Winter Winter 2011 Technical and Industry Reviews Winter 2011 OMB and Federal Agency Review Summer 2012 Certifications Available Nationally & Issue Single Family SWSs Printed Revision Format Revision Winter 2012 Certification Pilot Testing
14 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Multifamily July 2011 First Draft: Standard Work Specifications (SWS) August/September 2011 Technical Review Additional Detail Development Healthy Homes Worker Safety October 2011 Industry Review Revision Winter 2011/2012 OMB and Federal Agency Review Spring 2012 Public Comment Period #1 Winter 2012/2013 Issue Final Guidance Revision Summer 2012 Incorporate Public Comments Fall 2012 Public Comment Period #2 Revision
15 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Mobile Home/ Manufactured Housing Market Lead Event was held on August 15 th September 19 th – 23 rd MH Development Event is being held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina Will follow similar process as Single Family and Multifamily Mobile Home/Manufactured Housing
16 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov NREL is currently negotiating the implementation of the Certification Framework The new certifications will be available to workers in DOE's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and the broader home energy upgrade industry in Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Update: Workforce Certification
17 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov IREC has been accepting applications for accreditation since May ORISE is currently working with training programs to assist them in moving through the accreditation process NRCERT is acting as a pilot program working with ORISE to develop a robust package of tools to assist future programs in becoming accredited WTC Director’s calls have focused on accreditation issues IREC has given numerous webinars outlining the accreditation process ORISE and SMS are developing a needs assessment tool and a curriculum crosswalk tool to assist training programs in meeting accreditation requirements Update: Training Program Accreditation
18 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov 10 Modules Completed: Weatherization Installer/Technician Fundamentals Weatherization Installer/Technician Intermediate Weatherization Installer – Mobile Homes Crew Chief Energy Auditor – Single Family Energy Auditor – Multifamily Technical Monitor/ Inspector Heating Systems for Energy Auditors – Single Family Multifamily – HVAC Train the Trainer In Development: Weatherization Program Manager Update: National Standardized Training Curriculum
19 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov 34 awards in various stages of activity SMS and ORISE providing ongoing support to the awardees Two trainings per month held for the WTCs throughout the summer and fall. Examples include: –Financial and Program Management –Train the Trainer August 22-26: INCAA (4th of 5 currently scheduled) September 12-16: NYSWDA (5th of 5 currently scheduled) –Prop A Ganza – Trainer hands on experience with props September 26 th - 28 th 2011 – LACAP, Baton Rouge, LA –WTC Thought Leaders Summit October 11 th - 13 th, 2011—Santa Fe, New Mexico Update: Weatherization Training Centers
20 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Content development on-going Platform is slated for completion in September Members of the Weatherization Trainers Consortium have been engaged to provide technical review of the content Montana State University had been contracted to provide subject matter expertise Platform developers have visited WTCs to gain first-hand knowledge of the audience The NTER technology, developed for the Wx platform, was announced by Secretary Chu and featured on the DOE website Update: National Weatherization Training Platform
21 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Version 1 (December, 2011) - Pilots Version 2 (2012) Two-step development planned with extensive front load of software development to implement initial version Version 1 - simpler buildings & systems, few extras –Low-rise walk ups –Individual dwelling unit space conditioning systems –Both dwelling unit and central plant domestic hot water systems Version 2 - more complex buildings & systems, additional capabilities –High-rise with core services –Central plant space conditioning systems MULTIPLEBLOCKSMULTIPLEBLOCKS Update: Multifamily Energy Audit Tool
22 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov Weatherization Plus Health The Department of Energy’s Weatherization Plus Health Initiative is a national effort to enable the comprehensive, strategic coordination of resources for energy, health, and safety in low-income homes. –Create and manage an online map and directory of WAP and healthy homes programs nationwide –Produce individual reports on WAP and healthy homes activities in every state and territory –Host regional conferences for WAP and healthy homes providers to identify gaps between existing partnerships and encourage new partnerships –Collect and share best practices for referral systems between WAP and healthy homes programs –Provide training and technical assistance for WAP and healthy homes practitioners –Implemented through NASCSP
23 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov 2011 Conference Dates and Sites MAY Portland, Maine AUGUST Bozeman, Montana SEPTEMBER Atlanta, Georgia OCTOBER 4-6 Columbus, Ohio OCTOBER Kansas City, Missouri NOVEMBER San Diego, California
24 | WAP Training & Technical Assistance Tools and Resourceseere.energy.gov WAP T&TA Team Jennifer Somers Team Lead Training and Technical Assistance/Senior Policy Advisor Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Ryan Middleton Training and Technical Assistance Liaison/Project Officer Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Josh Olsen Training and Technical Assistance Liaison/Project Officer Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Erica Burrin Training and Technical Assistance Liaison/Project Officer Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program