Research Orientation Chaiwoot Boonyasiriwat January 13, 2015 Mahidol University Center for Scientific Computing
Isaac Newton – “If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Meaning: “discovering truth by building on previous discoveries” -- Wikipedia Research Philosophy
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do" -- Steve Jobs "Hard work beats Talent if Talent doesn't work hard." – Unknown "If you cannot put your whole heart into it, remove yourself from the situation and find something you can love." – Unknown "The purpose of work should be the common good." -- Alfred Krupp Work Philosophy
You are free to choose your own research topics of your interests. I am here to help, guide, and/or work with you but not to work for you (You can only graduate with work mostly done by yourself)! I have very limited knowledge. So for some topics I can only guide you. Policy: Research Topics
Write a technical report every semester Use LaTeX Undergrad: senior project will not be graded unless you turn in your report. Grad: I will not sign the progress form unless you turn in your report. This policy is to enforce you to learn a technical writing skill. Policy: Technical Report
Undergrad: You are encouraged to present your work in a conference and to publish a proceeding paper (usually 4-page paper). M.S.: You are required to publish a proceeding paper and a paper in an international journal. Ph.D.: You are required to publish two papers in an international journal. Policy: Publication