Terms to Know
Poetry is self expression… The craft of poetry can include: Metaphor: a direct comparison of two different things “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Simile: a comparison of two things, using “like” or “as” Imagery: description that paints a picture for the reader Sensory language: descriptive words that appeal to the senses of the reader Repetition: a word, phrase or sound (alliteration) that is repeated for a specific effect
Poetic Style Free verse Carl Sandburg This type of poetry has no specific rules about… o Rhyme: it may or may not rhyme o Length of lines: they may be the same or different for effect o Length and number of stanzas: they can range from a single line to many lines I Sang I sang to you and the moon But only the moon remembers. I sang O reckless free-hearted free-throated rhythms Even the moon remembers them And is kind to me.
Specific Forms of Poetry Some types of poems have very specific rules: Haiku: has only three lines with a limited number of syllables per line. Line one, 5 syllables Line two, 7 syllables Line three, 5 syllables
Sonnet A sonnet is a poem with very specific rules It has fourteen lines Three quatrains (a quatrain is a four line stanza) One couplet (a couplet is a two-line stanza where the last word of each line rhymes) Rhyme scheme: ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG Meter is the rhythm of the lines, sonnets have ten syllables per line (iambic pentameter)