Title pages 7 -9 of your comp book Heritage Project On line 1 of page 7, write DUE Sept 17 type of project who is being researched list of questions being asked name/s of people being interviewed
Heritage Project My family’s story Family History – Family Tree Short Story (Nonfiction) Poem Informational Article (Nonfiction) Google Earth Immigration Tour
Short Story: “Pride” The trunk containing all of the personal items she owned in the world weighed slightly more than the 15 year girl. She leaned over it, grasping the handle tightly and pulled it toward her. Looking around the deck of the ship for help, she realized her needs were minimal compared to the many young parents juggling babies and small children with one arm and heavy loads with the other. There were elderly people slumped on the deck, using their stuffed trunks and suitcases to prop up their travel-weary bodies. The train ride at least offered a backrest for the four days it took to travel from New York to Missouri. St. Louis, she mused. A French city. To travel so far, spend all of her family’s savings, and arrive at a city that may as well have been a day’s train ride from her home in Germany. At least she could speak a little French, unlike the harsh, rapid language of the New Yorkers. But her family’s friends had written about the wonderful opportunities. Anyone could go to school if they filled out the papers and proved they could speak and read English well enough. She had rehearsed until the foreign words rolled off her tongue. She begged her younger siblings to ask quiz her on the immigration questions. She would be ready. Sound confident and smart. She brought her great aunt’s hospital uniform, a once-white garment now the color of a sky threatening rain. The garment had seen many patients, some having died clinging to the long, stiff sleeve. And now people would speak her name, Charlotte, with pride, just as they spoke of her great aunt.
Poem: Sailing Hope a carefully laid plan inside a trunk worn smooth corners in constant motion pressed against others dreams no smaller fears no greater sailing toward hope alone on deck crowded with anticipation her family's expectations her clear pursuit to become someone stand out on foreign shores the brave one Poems must be accompanied by a detailed explanation of the symbolism, word choice, and imagery used in the poem.
Nonfiction Informational Article From Immigrant to Educator by Leslie Wolken In the late 1800’s, my great grandmother, Charlotte Wellpot, left her homeland in northeast Germany to begin a new life in the United States. She was only 15 years old, but her family supported her decision to leave Germany and pursue an education in America. Charlotte was determined to go through training as a nurse and find a job in St. Louis. Many other Germans from her home town had emigrated to southern Illinois and eastern Missouri. St. Louis was the largest city in that region. Chicago was another possibility, but Charlotte had more connections with people in St. Louis. She completed nurses training in St. Louis, but didn’t limit herself to simply working as a nurse. With three other young nurses, all of whom were single, she started a hospital in the heart of St. Louis called Deaconess. The four nurses began a nurses training program at the hospital, and young women would live in dorms at the hospital while they trained to be nurses. They were only allowed personal time on Sunday afternoons and evenings, following church services. The training program was intense, but young women earned the status of RN (Registered Nurse) in three years, instead of four years. This tradition of intense training lasted at least until the 1960’s, when two of Charlotte’s granddaughters trained to be nurses at Deaconess Hospital. Author’s note: The younger of those granddaughters is the author’s mother.
Google Earth Immigration Tour Place a pushpin in each location the person has been Birthplace Each city and country s/he traveled to on the journey to America In the Google Earth pushpin box, write about When s/he lived there What life was like Why they left that place or traveled to that place Other interesting facts you learn about their life in that place See Ms. W’s website for Google Earth instruction sheet. Example tour: https://webmail.d11.org/owa/attachment.ashx?attach=1&id=RgAAAABzM5qldS4kRbE5PB9%2b%2bXXIBwBWzC08rCcvRYwTPbtCh%2bbSAAACW0gVAAArxicHky6sSZMJkLGuOwyLAACCxnQEAAAJ&attid0=BAAAAAAA&attcnt=1