The Race to Future-Ready Dr. Rebecca Garland Accountability Conference February 19, 2009
The mission and goals of the N.C. State Board of Education Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education, and prepared for life in the 21st century. Goal 1: NC public schools will produce globally competitive students. Goal 2: NC public schools will be led by 21st century professionals. Goal 3: NC public school students will be healthy and responsible. Goal 4: Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools. Goal 5: NC public schools will be governed and supported by 21st century systems.
21 st Century Skills
The challenge for today’s administrators and teacher leaders Understanding that we are not at a crossroads, but down the road. Keeping up with the pace of change. Envisioning and implementing educational environments we did not experience. Creating the conditions for major leaps in student outcomes through technological tools, networks, and innovative practice.
The world we live in Science and technology-based –need scientific and technological literacy Resource-challenged –need critical thinking about sustainable economies Globally interdependent –global competence is a core competence Demographically diverse –requires cross-cultural leadership skills Innovation-driven –requires constant learning and adapting to rapid change (Vivien Stewart, Asia Society)
Globally Competitive and Healthy Students More at Four Learn and Earn Early College high schools NCVPS/Learn and Earn Online/Redesign Schools Physical activity and nutrition standards Personal Financial Literacy Core Courses and Graduation Project Next Generation Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability
Defining essential content standards Improving formative, benchmark and summative assessments Developing performance-based and simulation assessments Creating an new approach to writing Revisiting K-8 growth models Redefining HS accountability with focus on performance and outcomes
Excellent teachers and school executives Teacher Working Conditions Survey National Board Certification Middle Grades Literacy Coaches IMPACT schools and 1:1 laptop pilot 21 st century teaching and school executive standards and evaluation instruments Aligned teacher and administrator preparation programs and professional development
Supportive and innovative systems School Connectivity Initiative EVAAS NCWISE and CEDARS Funding and flexibility to target spending where needed. For example: –Low Wealth –Small County –DSSF –At-Risk Students Services –Improving Student Accountability Statewide System of Support to Districts &Schools
The Public’s Schools Accountability + Transparency + Service Orientation Commitment to Excellence – Continuous Improvement Life Happens - Always an Exception – Need for Flexibility and Humanity Personal Responsibility