Employment First: The National Discussion on Post Secondary Opportunities in Community Living and Employment Joanne Cashman, IDEA Partnership Dale Matusevich,


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Presentation transcript:

Employment First: The National Discussion on Post Secondary Opportunities in Community Living and Employment Joanne Cashman, IDEA Partnership Dale Matusevich, DE Office of Special Education Beth Swedeen, Weisman Center

An Increasing Awareness… Far too many young people with significant disabilities leave school to experience ‘wait lists’ For young adults that do receive services in the community, far to many are in segregated employment settings Policymakers have identified a need for employment to be a issue that brings school and post school staff together Let’s have that conversation today…..

Post-school Engagement of Young Adults Out of High School up to 8 years Newman, L., Wagner, M., Knokey, A.-M., Marder, C., Nagle, K., Shaver, D., Wei, X., with Cameto, R., Contreras, E., Ferguson, K., Greene, S., and Schwarting, M. (2011). The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School. A Report From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) (NCSER ). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Available at

Thinking about the Categories Who are the students who are ‘Not engaged’? What is life like for students identified as ‘Not Engaged’ ( 35%) For the 48% identified as Employment Only… how many are identified as ’Other employment”

Definitions 5 enrolled full- or part-time community college (2-year program) college/university (4- or more year program) 1 complete term Higher Education worked for pay at or above the minimum wage setting with others who are nondisabled 20 hours a week 90 days at any time in the year since leaving high school includes military employment Competitive Employment enrolled full- or part-time education or training program (e.g., adult education, vocational technical school that is less than a 2-year program) 1 complete term Other Postsecondary Education or Training worked for pay or been self-employed 90 days at any time since leaving high school includes working in a family business (e.g., farm, store, fishing, ranching, catering services, etc.) Other Employment

Employment Options and Transition In your experience…. Is Least Restrictive Environment that applies when considering post school options and employment? o For students with mild disabilities ? o For students with moderate disabilities? o For students with significant disabilities?

OSEP Letter on LRE and Employment

National Governor’s Association

A Better Bottom Line The Opportunity – This initiative will focus on the employment challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and other significant behavioral and physical disabilities and the roles that both state government and business can play in helping people with disabilities overcome those challenges. – The best way to achieve the vision and goals is for the public agencies, businesses, and the disability community to work together to chart the path forward.

How will this happen Create a blueprint for businesses and states that identifies best practices and outlines steps that can be put in place to increase employment of people with disabilities; and Heighten awareness and launch a campaign to help governors put in place the practices that fit best in their state’s efforts to increase employment for people with disabilities.

Why are we doing this? The Right Thing To Do—Individuals with disabilities have demonstrated ability and are an untapped resource. The Smart Thing for Government to Do—Individuals with disabilities are heavily reliant on government benefits. When people with disabilities are employed and living more independently, they are less reliant on government payments and contribute to the economy. Makes Good Business Sense—Individuals with disabilities are a valuable asset for business. There are business models throughout the United States with proven results.

Employment First in Delaware HB 319 All persons with disabilities, including veterans with service-connected disabilities, have a right to the opportunity for competitive employment. To promote the realization of this right, this bill creates the Employment First Act. The Act requires that state agencies that provide services and support to persons with disabilities shall consider, as their first option, competitive employment in an integrated setting for persons with disabilities.

Employment First Commission Commission formed under State Council for Persons with Disabilities Senate Concurrent Resolution 34 – – State Transition Task Force Early Start to Supported Employment

Voices from the Field What do secondary teachers/transition facilitators know/need to know about adult services and employment? What do adult service providers know/need to know about transition age students? What are our expectations for post school life? What will it take to meet our expectations?