ICT and Education Indicators UNESCO Institute for Statistics presented by: Ko-Chih Tung, Regional Advisor for the UIS and Jon Kapp, Assistant Programme Specialist, UIS with contributions from Simon Ellis, UIS HQ and the ICT in Education Unit, UNESCO Bangkok Joint UNCTAD-ITU-UNESCAP Regional Workshop on Information Society Measurements 27 July 2006
Context World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Global monitoring role of UIS AIMS-UIS Asia and Pacific Regional Office UNESCO Bangkok
Introduction UIS and Information Society: ICT and Education establishing core global indicators for the Partnership Potential for regular data collection for education statistics ICT skills assessment through hhld survey: Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP) & Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competency (PIAAC) Content and use of ICTs work on Linguistic diversity press and broadcast surveys
AIMS-UIS Regional Office Supporting capacity building in the areas of monitoring, assessment and analysis of disparities in access to education Planning for and coordinating the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment (2006-2007) Developing manuals, guidelines and tools and instruments for better study, analysis and reporting on education data
Capacity building Requires: prior political commitment from a Ministry concerned based on a policy commitment in national development plans A co-ordinated approach including; regulators, NSOs, Ministries, ISPs/telecomms companies and NGOs Sustained assistance in a groups of countries over a numbers of years to change the institution as well as the staff.
Need for stronger co-ordination Need to co-ordinate statistical activities between regulators, Internet Service Providers, phone companies, ministries, and national statistics offices Need to include ICT data collection in existing surveys UNESCO’s help to countries in this major task UIS statisticians permanently stationed in Africa, Asia and Latin America
ICT and Education ICTs can be used in education to: improve administrative efficiency disseminate teaching and learning materials to teachers and students improve the ICT skills of teachers and students allow teachers and students access to sources of information from around the world share ideas on education and learning
ICT and Education, continued ICTs can be used in education to: collaborate on joint projects conduct lessons from a remote location Data on availability of ICTs in formal education-- their costs and benefits, their use, equity of access, their impact on educational outcomes useful for educational planning ICTs play equally major role in promotion of non-formal education– older technologies too!
Performance indicators on ICT use in education UNESCO Asia-Pacific ICT in Education Programme
UNESCO recognizes the potential of ICT to achieve EFA goals, in particular its ability to: Enable the inclusion of groups with no access to education Improve the quality of teaching & learning Increase the efficiency & effectiveness in planning & administration
Our aim is to empower Learners, Teachers, educators Principals, administrators Leaders
Vision: By 2008, all member states in the Asia-Pacific region will have: A national ICT in education POLICY. ICT as a component of TEACHER TRAINING. The beginnings of a process of developing relevant, multilingual and appropriate EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. NETWORKS for sharing knowledge and experiences. Key INDICATORS developed and used to monitor progress and to form strategies.
Scope of the UNESCO Programme 6. Research & Knowledge Sharing 1. Education Policy 5. Monitoring & Measuring Change 2. Training of Teachers www.unescobkk.org/education/ict 3. Teaching & Learning 4. Non-Formal Education
Scope of the UNESCO Programme 5. Monitoring & Measuring Change Monitoring & measuring the impact of ICT in education using performance indicators
Monitoring and Measuring Change Performance indicators are required to: Monitor the use and assess the impact of technologies in education. Demonstrate accountability
Indicators Project Developing, pilot testing and promoting the institutionalization of indicators for ICT use in education systems. Assessing the impact of ICT use on the teaching-learning process. Pilot testing in India, Philippines and Thailand
Major outcomes National Reports completed (India, Thailand) Multi-country Workshop report prepared for publication Manual on using ICT performance indicators in assessing the impact of ICT in education drafted for publication
Output Objectives The main objective of the manual is: to provide practical guidelines on how to adopt/adapt the ICT indicators in measuring in turn the use and impact of ICTs in the educational system and in teaching and learning.
Contents Lessons learned in pilot testing the performance indicators Definition, conceptual framework, purposes and criteria for validating ICT for education performance indicators Validated matrix of indicators specifying the purposes of each indicator, source of data, how to collect, and the corresponding survey instruments for collecting data Synthesis of three countries’ experiences and survey reports in pilot testing the performance indicators Lessons learned in pilot testing the performance indicators
Contents, continued… Steps in using the validated set of indicators to measure impact of ICT in education which cover survey design, data collection and processing Ways in using the indicators to analyze the use of ICT in education Ways of applying and mainstreaming indicators into the ICT for education programme and in the educational management information system. Advocacy for the integration of performance indicators into the education system.
Proposed Performance Indicators Approximately 50 indicators, classified in 5 categories: ICT-Based Policy and Strategy ICT Infrastructure and Access Curriculum/textbooks Teaching Professionals Use and Teaching Student Use and Learning
Thai pilot survey ~ students Percentage of students with cell phone 20.1% with computer at home 40.1% with e-mail 5.9% Percentage of students who can use a computer 22.7% use digital camera 7.8 % write a webpage 0.16% Percentage of student using internet for education 9.9% internet at school 9.0% internet every week 3.2%
Thailand pilot survey ~ Teachers ICT trained teachers 338,726 or 42.48% Teachers per 1 PC in Primary schools 20:1 in Secondary schools 2:1 Amongst teachers using ICT 85% used for instruction 15% used for administration Percentage of teacher with cell phone 79% Percentage of teacher with e-mail 13.7%
Other international data sources Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): Important source of information on ICT for education at the primary and secondary levels 2000 cycle: 28 OECD and 4 non-OECD countries participated 2002 cycle: additional 11 countries participated The PISA 2000 Technical Report: the first to provide a good picture of access, usage and impact of ICT in schools
UIS ICT and Education Paper and the Core Indicators Was presented at WSIS Tunis To establish a core set of indicators for ICTs in Education Focussed on capacity of developing countries Minimise burden of data collection and response Use existing indicators to maximise existing data on survey design sampling etc. Use school survey based data which can largely be collected through administrative systems and linked directly to educational processes
Surveys of Schools used Asia Pacific Regional Survey on ICTs in Education (APRS) Regional school assessments for Latin America (LABORATORIO) Francophone Africa (PASEC) Anglophone Africa (SACMEQ) Monitoring Learning Activities Survey in Africa (selected countries only) – (MLA2) OECD countries plus selected non OECD countries in future (PISA) Other international assessments Progress in Int’l Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) SITES – 1-2 Third International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS and TIMSS-R) – UIS/OECD World Education Indicators- Primary School Survey - WEI-SPS
Suggested Basic Core of Indicators for ICT in Education 1.% of schools with electricity (by ISCED level 1-3) 2.% of schools with radio used for educational purposes (by ISCED level 0-4) 3. % of schools with television sets used for educational purposes (by ISCED level 0-4) 4. Student to computer ratio (by ISCED level 0-4) 5. % of schools with basic telecommunication infrastructure or telephone access (by ISCED level 1-4) 6. % of students who use internet at school (by ISCED level 1-4)
Indicators- contd.. Extended Core: (i) % of students enrolled by gender at the tertiary level in an ICT-related field (by ISCED level 5-6) (ii) % of ICT qualified teachers in primary and secondary schools (of the total no. of teachers) (Note: all indicators should be collected by sex, grade and age)
Other areas of education work ICT skills assessment LAMP; Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme. Includes questions on use and access to ICTs PIAAC; Joint OECD/UIS adult skills assessment programme. First phase for implementation before 2009 includes questions on ICT skills
Challenges: Language Language is the 1st barrier in using the Internet UNESCO upholds rights of speakers of minority and endangered languages in society and in education Language presents many technical barriers eg. coding
Languages ~ results so far No agreement on count of web pages by language Potential for regional observatories Press and broadcast surveys will examine the use of mixed channels including Internet for distribution Work underway to assess the quality of existing data on languages and how UNESCO can improve it UIS literacy assessment and communications programmes looking at functional context for languages and learning
For further information, please visit: www.unescobkk.org/aims www.unescobkk.org/ict or contact the AIMS unit: Assessment, Information Systems, Monitoring and Statistics Unit (AIMS) Office of the Regional Advisor for the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) UNESCO Bangkok Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building 920 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok 10110 Thailand tel: +66 2 391 0577 fax: +662 391 0866