Med Sci 1 Semester Review Medical Science 1
This type of spondylosis is?
Case #1 A 66 year old man was involved in a MVA. He was stablized at the site of the accident and transported.
Case 1 On exam in the ED he presented with: Multiple contusions Abrasions Laceration of patellar tendon superior of the patella, severing the tendon SC joint dislocation Most significant: Left radial fracture Left distal ulnar fracture
Questions: What is MVA Based on pt records, which injury was most serious? Tearing of tissue was located where in relation to the patella? Location of the dislocated joint Definition of a bruise is?
Case #2 72 year old woman admitted with complications from osteoporosis. History includes: 8 mo chronic, disabling back pain associated with kyphosis in the thoracic spine Cervical lordosis
Case #2 Physical Exam results in: Local pain in lower thoracic/upper lumbar spinal regions Reflex analysis/neurological abnormalities of lower extremities was unimpressive Diagnostic imaging indicated compression fracture of T12 & L1 Care/treatment: Neck brace, analgesic meds, PCP follow up
Questions: Swayback involved which vertebrae? Humpback abnormality appeared where? Definition of osteoporosis is? Diagnostic images indicated complication of osteoporosis as? Analgesic meds A.K.A?
Case #3 A male was admitted with cervical spondylosis. He presents with: progressive muscle weakness in upper and lower extremities MRI results suggest spinal cord compression EMG of nerve-conduction confirms presence of diseased motor nerves
Case #3 Influence of cervical spondylosis on future activities indicate return to normal activities is unlikely.
Questions: Spondylosis is a disease affecting? Compression injury is? The electromyogram confirmed? Medical term for muscle weakness is?
Case #4 75 year old female admitted through ED with acute onset of coldness and weakness in lower extremities. Assessment of dorsalis pedis, popliteal and posterior tibialis resulted in inability to locate pulse bilaterally. Pt history: 2006: Bypass of aortofemoral artery for relief of ischemia Cardiac history includes hypertension, arrhythmia and CHF
Case #4 Physical Exam results: Bilateral assessment of dorsalis pedis, popliteal, femoral and posterior tibialis resulted in absent pulse. No audible abnormal sounds in carotid or subclavian veins Radial pulse: 72 bpm, irregular BP 140/80 Heart sounds were unremarkable
Questions: Coldness in lower extremities was likely due to? Pt history of aortofemoral bypass was due to? How did symptoms of coldness/weakness present? Why were the carotid arteries/subclavian veins assessed? Where was the wandering blood clot was located?