1 11 Combatting Trafficking in Persons (CTiP) Regional Support Office – The Bali Process 27 September 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

1 11 Combatting Trafficking in Persons (CTiP) Regional Support Office – The Bali Process 27 September 2013

2 Objectives of the meeting today Reach a better understanding of current initiatives in addressing trafficking issues in Asia and the Pacific. Identify gaps in efforts and difficulties in combatting trafficking in the region, in particular with regard to regional training activities. Delineate where the RSO can add value in supporting on- going initiatives or engaging in new activities. Provide recommendations on way forward to the Bali Process Working Group on Trafficking to be established.

3 1. The Bali Process and its efforts in combating trafficking to date 2. A new impetus: Recommendations from the Bali Process 10 th Anniversary and Fifth Ministerial Meeting (April 2013) 3. The role of the RSO and potential areas of intervention in CTiP Content

1. The Bali Process and its efforts in combatting trafficking to date

The Bali Process Bali Process People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime Established in 2002 following first Regional Ministerial Conference in Bali Co-Chaired by the Governments of Australia & Indonesia 48 members (including 45 states; IOM, UNHCR and UNODC), 29 observers (including 19 observer countries; 11 International Agencies) Role: To facilitate regional cooperation to prevent people smuggling and trafficking in persons. 5

6 Bali Process: CTiP Activities Workshops/seminars and meetings for technical experts, government officials and NGO community on the issues of prevention, protection and prosecution of trafficking in persons and the on the ratification and implementation of the UNTOC; Facilitating cooperation between law enforcement agencies in targeting people smugglers and traffickers in the region; Facilitating the development of National Action Plans to Eradicate Trafficking in Persons; Exchange with other RCPs on harmonizing anti-trafficking legislation; Facilitating the exchange of information on government policy and best practice in addressing victims of human trafficking;

2. A new impetus: Recommendations from the Bali Process 10th Anniversary and Fifth Ministerial Meeting (April 2013)

8 Strengthen dialogue and information exchange on TiP issues including through the use of the Bali process website secure portal; More effective and coordinated responses to prevent TiP, investigate and prosecute perpetrators, and protect and assist Victims of Trafficking (VoT); Strengthen the international and regional cooperation in the criminal justice response to trafficking; Increasing engagement with experts from civil society and the private sector; Priorities identified at the 10 th Anniversary of the Bali Process 2012

Policy guides to be developed in order to assist policy makers and practitioners to criminalize people smuggling and trafficking in persons. Bali Process members are committed to increasing efforts to combat people smuggling and trafficking in persons, including by: – enhancing and implementing national legislation; – strengthening interagency cooperation; – building greater consistency in legal regimes; – strengthening law enforcement mechanisms and cooperation and immigration systems. 5 th Ministerial: Recommendations related to combatting CTiP

A working group addressing trafficking in persons issues is to be established. The new working group should: – explore the extent to which the issue of labour trafficking affected Bali Process States – identify avenues for cooperation to address the issue – work with a range of community, industry, private sector groups and relevant RCPs in implementing future activities. Statements related to combating CTiP

3. The role of the RSO and potential areas of intervention in CTiP

The Regional Support Office (RSO) Purpose To facilitate the operationalization of the Regional Cooperation Framework (RCF) to reduce irregular migration in the Asia and Pacific region. To support and strengthen practical cooperation on refugee protection and international migration, including human trafficking and smuggling, and other components of migration management in the region. 12

13 Agreed Activities by Bali Process Members The RSO has been tasked by the Bali Process to : I.Support technical training and assistance on victims of trafficking protection, law enforcement and international co- operation. II.Identify and disseminate best practices on protection of refugees and victims of trafficking in persons and international migration. III.Support the harmonization of national legislation on migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons. The RSO has drafted concept notes in order to explore different options for implementation in consultation with Bali Process members.

14 Thank You