Pick up your pre-test located on the chair Begin working quietly on your own. Please note, you may not know the answers, but do your very best!!!
Water Bathroom Sharpen Pencils
7.1 B Knowledge of harmful and risky behaviors 7.1 E Factors that affect school success 7.2 C Strategies for avoiding drugs
What is Marijauna What Is It? Marijuana is a mixture of the dried and shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the cannabis sativa plant. The mixture can be green, brown, or gray. Most widely used illegal drug. Even a very small amount of marijuana is illegal (1 joint). More potent (stronger) today than in the 1970’s
Gateway Drug A drug that leads to other drug use A person who uses marijuana is more likely to be exposed to and urged to try other drugs. The more marijuana a person smokes, the higher their tolerance level. Therefore, a greater amount of marijuana is needed to get high. Using marijuana puts children and teens in contact with people who use and sell other drugs. Cigarettes/Alcohol Marijuana Hallucinogens Cocaine Heroin Gateway Drug Gateway Drug
How is Marijuana Used? Smoked Joint-Marijuana rolled up in cigarette papers Bong-Marijuana smoked using a water pipe Blunt-Hollowed out cigars filled w/marijuana Eaten Not as common Placed in baked goods
Nicknames Many of these common nicknames are used in movies & music. Pot Weed Hash Mary Jane Reefer Chronic Grass
Remember: Not “everybody’s doing it”? What is the correlation between age & use? 8% of 8 th graders 17% of 10 th graders 21% of 12 th graders
Music & Marijuana On average, teens listen to 2.5 hours of music per day = 40 marijuana references per day Based on reports from Billboard magazine… 9% of Pop Music 14% of Rock Songs 20% of R&B 36% of Country And % of Rap Songs reference drug & alcohol!!!
Short-Term Effects Coordination Reaction Time Alertness Poor decision making skills (sex, crime, violence) Memory Loss Increased Heart Rate Anxiety 15 % of traffic accidents that end up in the ER are associated with drivers that are “high”
Long-Term Effects Lung Disease/Cancer Grades – Teens with low grades are 4x more likely to have used marijuana Depression Crime Increased risk for other drugs Neurological Issues: attention span, speach
How Marijuana Affects Learning Interferes with ability to concentrate Linked to poor grades Linked to higher dropout rates – Users are 5x more likely to not graduate
Myth: Marijuana is not Addicting More kids enter treatment for marijuana than for all other illegal drugs combined!!! Withdrawal Symptoms Include: Loss of appetite Nervousness Irritability Stomach pain Aggression Anxiety Paranoia
Drug Abuse The Before and After WpUw&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_m ode=1&safe=active WpUw&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_m ode=1&safe=active Died 2/11/12 Age 48 Died 7/23/11 Age 27