INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY HPIIS, the IRNC and the Future Jim Williams Indiana University 7 July 2004 Cairns, AU – APAN meeting
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY HPIIS and the IRNC The NSF funded High Performance International Internet Services (HPIIS) program is ending, likely within 6 months. It will be replaced by the International Research Network Connections (IRNC) program. Continuity of service within Asia will be maintained.
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY The US process IRNC proposals are evaluated by a panel of experts Some proposals are highly recommended for funding There may be some negotiation within the NSF and between the NSF and the highly recommended proposals. Awards are announced. Successful proposals must now procure circuits and termination equipment. This is likely a 6 month process, at a minimum.
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY So…where should we focus our efforts today?? At least two areas will be of critical importance, regardless of the outcome of the IRNC solicitation: –Security –Measurement
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Security High performance networks and computing resources make attractive targets. University dorm rooms make attractive launching points (regardless of where an attack originates) CCIRN should make a strong organizational statement about security and encourage a focus resources on Security WGs within constituent research networks
INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Measurement Significant work is currently being done to develop an Asian Observatory to extend the Abilene Observatory effort. This work should be encouraged and supported.