CCIRN Native IPv6 Programs Asia Pacific Xing Li
Dual Stack(2002) : 1~100Mbps for IPv6 IPv4 Dual Stack(2002) Europe l Australia l Korea Japan China Thailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia USA l Philippines Vietnam l l Hong Kong l l l l l l SriLanka l Taiwan
6GN 2.5G v4/v6 1G v4 1G v6 155M-1G v4/v6 CN 2.5G JGNv6, … 6 KOREN, …
6NOC Scope 6NOC Scope 6NOC will work for the operation of 6GN 6NOC will work for the operation of 6GN The main activities are classified as follows: The main activities are classified as follows: (1) Coordinate network operation activities - 24 x 7 basic operation - Common tools for the basic operation - Information sharing for the operation - Promotion of the collaborations (1) Coordinate network operation activities - 24 x 7 basic operation - Common tools for the basic operation - Information sharing for the operation - Promotion of the collaborations (2) Joint works between IPv6 Technical Group and NOC folks for IPv6 experiments - Design, Performance tuning and Evaluation of experiments & demos (2) Joint works between IPv6 Technical Group and NOC folks for IPv6 experiments - Design, Performance tuning and Evaluation of experiments & demos
AS AS NEC_CX5210_A (gz4.1) / :251:E00E::41/128 NEC_CX5210_B (gz4.2) / :251:E00E::42/128 HITACHI_GR2000_20H_B (bj1.2) / :251:E00E::12/128 OC48-POS Port 0/0 OC48-POS GbE [2001:251:E000:1::/64] [ /30] ::2/ 64.18/ 30 ::1/ 64.17/ 30 [2001:251:E000:6::/ 64][ /3 0] ::2/ /30 ::1/ 64.37/ 30 [2001:251:E000:2::/6 4] [ /30] ::2/6 4.22/3 0 ::1/64.21/30 [2001:251:E000:5::/ 64] [ /30] ::2 /64.34 /30 ::1/6 4.33/3 0 [2001:251:E000:3::/ 64] [ /30] ::1/ 64.25/ 30 ::2/ /30 [2001:251:E000:4::/ 64][ /3 0] ::1/6 4.29/ 30 ::2/ / 30 HITACHI_GR2000_20H_A (bj1.1) / :251:E00E::11/128 [ 2001:250:C000:20::5/64 ] GbE ::2/64.2/30 [2001:250:C000:20::1/64] GE POS FUJITSU_GeoStream_R980_A (sh7.1) / :251:E00E::71/128 r0k 2001:250:c000:1::2/ /32 BR-cn / :251:E00E::10/128 [2001:251:E001:1::/64] [ /30] ::1/64.1/30 FUJITSU_GeoStream_R980_B (sh7.2) / :251:E00E::72/128 Cisco 6509 L2 Switch router-id loopback0 NMS [2001:251:E107:1::/ 64] [ /30] ::1/ / 30 ::2/ / 30 [2001:251:E104:1::/ 64] [ /30] ::1/ / 30 ::2/ / 30 NMS [2001:251:E101:1::/ 64] [ /30] ::2/ / 30 ::1/ / 30 NMS GbE 2/0 FE [2001:251:E104:2::/ 64] [ /30] ::1/ / 30 ::2/ / 30 Client [2001:251:E107:2::/ 64] [ /30] ::1/ / 30 ::2/ / 30 [2001:251:E001:2::/64] [ /30] ::1/64.1/30 ::2/64.2/30 BJ SH GZ CJ-IPv6
CNGI Structure Basic Research Services Applications H/S Industry Engineering Key Technology R&D Test and Demonstration Testbed
/CPN 1 2 N /CPN GigaPoP /CPN 2 1 CNGI Structure
CNGI Backbone Pop Distribution
CERNET2 Backbone
CERNET and CERNET2 Comparison
IPv6 Challenges Scalability Scalability Routing Routing Functionality Functionality High performance High performance Mobility Mobility Multicast Multicast Security Security Service Service Smart Device World Smart Device World Charging Model Charging Model Transition Transition