15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Project title “Best practices for Agricultural Wastes (AW) treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean countries.


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Presentation transcript:

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Project title “Best practices for Agricultural Wastes (AW) treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean countries (WasteReuse)” Project Number: LIFE10 ENV/GR/594 Duration: 01/09/ /08/15 Co-funded by LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance Prof Kostas Komnitsas, Dr Dimitra Zaharaki, Mr Georgios Bazdanis Dpt Mineral Resources Engineering Technical University Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Coordinating Beneficiary: Technical University Crete (TUC), Coordinator: Prof. Kostas Komnitsas, Associated Beneficiaries: - Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CEBAS-CSIC), Murcia, Spain, Center for Agricultural Experimentation and Assistance (CERSAA), Albenga, Italy, Chemical Laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Savona (Laboratorio Chimico CCIAA), Albenga, Italy - Signosis Sprl., Brussels, Belgium, 2

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Why treatment and reuse of AW is required?  AW are produced in huge quantities (OMW, winery, milk industry, slaughterhouses, wood processing, rice straw etc.)  Some of them are toxic; high BOD, COD; content of recalcitrant compounds  If disposed without treatment cause severe environmental problems  If reused valuable by-products can be produced (e.g compost, energy); water savings (irrigation); reduction of raw materials use (e.g phosphates for fertilisers)  Practice towards “zero waste” production  Reduction of C footprint; sustainable agriculture

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University WasteReuse objectives  Evaluation of innovative/traditional technologies for agricultural wastes (AW) treatment regarding their suitability for crop cultivation (irrigation and fertilization)  Development of Alternative Cultivation Practices in Med by recycling nutrients and water from AW  Protection of soil quality from the disposal of treated and untreated AW  Reduction of carbon footprint by recycling AW and minimizing the use of fertilizers - Conservation of natural resources  Increasing competiveness of Med agricultural products & profits via the reduction of external inputs (irrigation water, fertilizers) 4

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Expected results 1  Create an inventory of all available technologies for AW treatment  Assess the effect of different AW applications on soil properties and plant growth using lab and field tests  Assess the risk as well as the carbon footprint of the proposed methodologies through LCA studies  Develop a Code of Best Waste Management Practices in Agriculture and provide decision-making tools for the most commonly cultivated crops in the Mediterranean region 5

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University  Provide suggestions to improve European legislation  Develop a network involving research organizations, agricultural associations, SMEs, regional /national authorities and policy makers  Develop an after Life Communication Plan to maximize dissemination of project results after the end of the project Expected results 2 6

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University ActionBeneficiary 1. Project Management TUC 2. Initial assessment of existing AW treatment technologies TUC 3. Development of alternative agricultural practises-Lab experiments (Spain) CEBAS 4. Development of alternative agricultural practises-Lab experiments (Italy) CCIAA 5. Demonstration-Spain CEBAS 6. Demonstration-Italy CERSAA 7. LCA and Risk Analysis TUC 8. Use of treated AW in agriculture – Terms and conditions Signosis Sprl. 9. Dissemination Signosis Sprl. 10. Networking Signosis Sprl. 11. Project Monitoring TUC 12. After-LIFE communication plan Signosis Sprl. 7

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 2: Initial assessment of existing AW treatment technologies  Collection of all available data regarding funded projects focused on the development/application of technologies for the treatment of AW produced in the Mediterranean region  Aim: assist the selection of the most suitable, environment friendly, low cost technologies to be used for the development of alternative cultivation practices for the main water-nutrient consuming crops in the Mediterranean region (demonstration Actions) 8

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 2: Initial assessment of existing AW treatment technologies  A total of 49 funded projects have been identified (period ) for the treatment of olive oil mill wastewaters (OMW), wine, swine and animal waste, rice straw and various other AW eg. from production of fruits  All available technologies for AW treatment have been included in a comprehensive inventory (grouped by type of waste, level of development and coordinating country); a preliminary techno-economical and environmental evaluation of the technologies has been carried out, using weighted indicators 9

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University  Lab experiments will be carried out to evaluate treated and untreated waste and assess their suitability for crop production and improvement of quality as well as their potential effect on soil properties Actions 3 & 4: Development of alternative agricultural practices – Lab experiments (Spain & Italy) CEBAS headquarters (Murcia, Spain)CERSAA/CCIAA headquarters (Albenga, Italy) 10

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Actions 3 & 4: Development of alternative agricultural practices – Lab experiments (Spain & Italy)  Various agricultural soils from Spain, Italy and Greece as well as treated/untreated AW, are being collected and characterized  Pot experiments, phytotoxicity and cultivation tests using different AW, soils and test plants will be carried out  New cultivation methods for some key cultivated crops in Spain and Italy will be proposed  Development of new agricultural practices for cereals, vegetables and ornamentals with the use of treated or untreated AW 11

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Pot cultivation of sage Pot cultivation of thyme 12

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Cultivation of fresh herbs CCIAA laboratory 13

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Actions 5 & 6: Demonstration (Spain & Italy)  The developed in Actions 3 & 4 agricultural practices will be implemented for commonly cultivated crops in Spain & Italy  Cultivation practices will be applied at -open field at CEBAS premises in Murcia, using cereals (barley and/or wheat or maize) -open field at CERSAA premises in Albenga, using lettuce and cabbage -CEBAS greenhouses using vegetables (lettuce and melon or tomato) -CERSAA greenhouses using basil and ornamentals 14

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Cyclamen cultivation in CERSAA’s greenhouse Cultivations in open field 15

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 7: LCA and Risk Analysis  LCA analysis will be carried out for all agricultural processes considered in Italy and Spain by taking into account the results of Actions 3-6; special emphasis will be given to the potential reduction of carbon footprint  Risk analysis will assess the impacts of the proposed processes on soil and waters; the risk assessment methodology will follow the principle source of pollution-contaminant pathway-receptor 16

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 8: Use of treated AW in agriculture – Terms and conditions  Development of a Code of Waste Management Best Practices for Agricultural Application, by integrating the outcomes of all previous Actions  Decision making tools and proposals for Alternative Cultivation Practices for the most commonly cultivated crops in the Med area  Specific EU legislative measures for the treatment of AW and, if needed, potential amendments for future revisions of national laws will be proposed 17

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 9: Dissemination  Includes a significant set of actions to disseminate results; will last for the entire project duration  The dissemination plan is divided into four parts: a. Dissemination to national stakeholders, b. Dissemination to the European Community, c. Dissemination to Spanish, Italian and Greek national authorities and d. International dissemination  A well designed website ( in English, Greek, Spanish, Italian and French versions, has been developed 18

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 9: Dissemination  The project will publish biannually an electronic newsletter with the most important news and results  Production of 3,500 leaflets and 200 posters in six languages  Visits of farmers and stakeholders at demonstration areas in Spain and Italy  Organization of four workshops (one in each participating country) and a final conference in Belgium during the last year of the project (May 2015) 19

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action 10: Networking  Networking is an essential part of the project for the formulation of scientific and international networks in order to disseminate effectively the innovative approaches developed  A database with members from international agricultural organizations, European Ministries of Agriculture etc is being prepared  Preparation of two policy briefings dedicated to policy makers (published by April 2014 and April 2015) 20

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Action12: After-LIFE Communication Plan  Will be developed to ensure dissemination and potential implementation of project achievements through stakeholders and Agricultural and Market/Industrial Associations 21

15-18 May 2012 Istanbul Medeniyet University Research unit “Management of mining / metallurgical wastes and rehabilitation of contaminated soils” Dpt Mineral Resources Engineering Technical University of Crete Teşekkür ederim !!! 22