Proposal for Best performing state Award Scheme Foodgrain Production during Prabhakar K. Deshmukh IAS Commissioner Agriculture, Maharashtra
Degraded lands Degraded lands(42%) Shallow soils (40%) Rainfed area Rainfed area(83%) Drought prone area Drought prone area(52%) Coarse cereals Low value & declining demands (Jowar, Bajra) Small Holdings 89 lakh holdings < 2 ha. (73%) Av. Holding size ha.
(as per III rd Advance estimate) Productivity (Kg/ha) S.N.Crop/ Previous highest ( ) % to previous highest 1Rice Wheat Coarse cereals Pulses Foodgrains Results of Crop Cutting experiments by SASA
Area, Production and Productivity : (as per III rd Advance estimate) Crop/ Crop Group Area (Lakh ha.) Production (Lakh MT.) Productivity (Kg/ha.) Previous highest Previous highest Previous highest Rice ( ) ( ) ( ) 1755 Wheat ( ) ( ) ( ) 1724 Coarse cereals ( ) ( ) ( )1244 Pulses ( ) ( ) ( )766 Food grains ( ) ( ) ( )1201 Results of Crop Cutting experiments by SASA
Sr. No. CropProcurement (MT) Remarks 1Paddy137845FCI (Rice : MT) 2Paddy MARKFED & Tribal Development Corporation 3Jowar366 4Bajra- 5Maize2331 6Tur NAFED Procurement figures of foodgrains for Endorsed by State Food Secretary
Scheme ReleaseExp.(%)ReleaseExp.(%)ReleaseExp.(%) NFSM RKVY MMA ISOPOM * ATMA Scheme Total ReleaseExp.(%)ReleaseExp.(%) NFSM RKVY MMA ISOPOM * ATMA ** Grand Total (Rs. in Crores) * Less release by GOI in ** Rs. 11 Crore released by the end of March 2011
A. NFSM FFS : 2689, No. of farmers trained Community nursery of paddy : Nursery area : 337 ha. Area covered : 3370 ha. Convergence of RKVY & NFSM Pump sets & Pump sets : & Sprinkler sets : 4174 Sprinkler sets : 4174 Use of pump sets in cluster on farm pond for protective irrigation Use of pump sets in cluster on farm pond for protective irrigation Seed distribution SRR Achieved Seed distribution SRR Achieved Paddy : 1.09 lakh Qtl.; 44 Paddy : 1.09 lakh Qtl.; 44 Wheat : 2.78 lakh Qtl. 43 Wheat : 2.78 lakh Qtl. 43 Pulses : 1.53 lakh Qtl. Pulses : 1.53 lakh Qtl. (Tur -29, Mung- 34, Udid-44,Gram -21) B.RKVY B. RKVY CROPSAP : 4 major crops, villages, 92 lakh ha. area Paddy seed distribution in Konkan SRR Achieved : Qtl. 32 (1.18 lakh ha. area) : Qtls. 37 (1.10 lakh ha. area) Strengthening of Quality Control Labs : Enhanced capacity of fertilizer/ insecticide / residue testing laboratory with greater accuracy from 30 to 150% Farm ponds : Bodi Repair : 1614 Major Interventions taken under State & Central Programmes
Conversion of Farm Pond with Pump sets Use of Sprinkler Set in Wheat A3P Mung Demonstration plot
10 Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A3P) S.N.Crop Productivity ( Kg/Ha.) Control Plot Demonstration Plot Increase (%) 1Tur Moong Udid Total Kharif Gram Strategy Cluster Approach Farmers Group Strengthening Training of group leaders & Farmers with involvement of SAUs Improved technology package as recommended by SAU Technology Dissemination through Cyber Extension
ParticularsBefore the Programme implementation After the Programme implementation A. Cropping Pattern Kharif Season Rabbi Season Rainfed Cotton, Soybean ---- Irri. Cotton, Sunflower, Soybean, area under Pulses crop increased (Gram ) B. Productivity Cotton Gram 187 to 200 kg/ha. 400 kg/ha. 325 to 400 Kg/ha. 750 to 800 kg/ha. C. Seed Production of Gram Quintal Certified Seed of Gram D. Aquaculture ( Fisheries) farmer gains additional benefit from fisheries in Ponds FARM PONDS Area brought under protective irrigation – 250 Ha.
New Initiatives / Innovations Taken 1.Crop Pest Surveillance & Advisory Project ( CROPSAP) 2.In-Situ Soil Moisture Conservation 3.Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Mahotsav 4.Cyber Extension 5.Maha Krishi Sanchar 6.Dhanya Bazar 7.Agro Journalism Workshop 8.Project based Agriculture Extension
Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP) Objectives:- 1)Pest surveillance 2)Pest Advisory 3)Awareness creation 4)Pest Management-IPM Area of Operation : Soybean: Lakh Ha. Cotton: Lakh Ha. Pigeonpea: Lakh Ha. Paddy: Lakh Ha. Gram: Lakh Ha. TOTAL: Lakh Ha. TOTAL: Lakh Ha. Districts : 33 (89 Subdivisions) Talukas : 342 Villages: 35000Particulars % change Total area sown (Lakh ha) Area above ETL (Lakh ha) Production in (Lakh MT.) Use of SMS based advisory02.40 lakh farmers 2 Crore SMS Soybean : Impact assesment
Activities Contour cultivation & sowing Adoption of inter cropping Opening of Dead furrows Opening of furrow in standing crops Broad ridges & furrows Close bed / compartment bunding (Increase in yield : 15 to 25%) Award Scheme Level Award Prize (Rs. In lakh) I st II nd III rd District Divisional State TOTAL73.50 In-situ Soil Moisture Conservation
Being implemented since Focus on Project based Agriculture Extension Programmes in 3606 projects & 7000 villages during campaign period. Components :- Presentations on technology Mobile Agriculture Exhibitions (Agriculture Float). Farmer to Farmer' extension Live Demonstrations Farmers/Scientists interventions Dr.Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Mahotsav 16 th May to 4 th June 2011
Dr.Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Mahotsav
Seed Treatment Demonstrations Dr.Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Mahotsav
Cyber Extension Timely, precise and location specific advisory to the farmers on crop management, crop health, Agro- meteorology etc. in Marathi and English 2.42 lakh Farmers registered 226 lakh SMS advisory broadcasted Advisory on 43 Major crops 1. Agro advisory though SMS 2. Maha Krishi Sanchar (CUG) Subscribers : 7.50 lakh farmers, field functionaries & scientists Rent : Rs. 99/month – unlimited within CUG + free 500 min. & 400 SMS 3. Use of CDs for effective dissemination of crop technologies
Dhanya Bazar To promote direct marketing - farmers to consumers in each district Bhimthadi Jatra
Agro Journalism Workshop Organization of Agro Journalism workshop at Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Awareness about agricultural programmes & Technology. Promotion of training kit-Background note, CDs, Literature etc. Follow up and networking with the media participants.
Project based Agricultural Extension Micro projects of 100 to 500 ha. Groups of 10 to 25 farmers Programme implementation through group leaders Training of Group Leaders Project Manager: Agriculture officer/Agri. Supervisor Base Line survey –Soil Analysis- Water Availability –Technology Gap- IPM, INM –Processing- Marketing –Productivity Gap
Project based Agricultural Extension Productivity target for project area Orientation training of improved technology packages with emphasis on insitu moisture conservation technology Technology transfer with the help of SAU / KVK to Group leaders Harvesting & Productivity Analysis. Post harvest technology for value addition through group. Marketing linkage to the consumer group or processing industry or market.
SchemeFarmers group ATMA12000 MWSIP13000 ADB MACP IFAD 5000 Total40000 Formation of Farmer Groups Project based Extension Projects No. of projects Area Coverage (Lakh ha.) Ongoing Crop Schemes New Innovative Schemes Horticulture Total
1.Kharif & Rabi Season Plan & Review Meetings At District & State levelAt District & State level Organized in the month of MayOrganized in the month of May Hon. CM, Dy. CM, All concerned Ministers & Secretaries, Divisional Commissioners, Collectors & CEOs, SAUs, KVKs, Inputs supply agencies etc.Hon. CM, Dy. CM, All concerned Ministers & Secretaries, Divisional Commissioners, Collectors & CEOs, SAUs, KVKs, Inputs supply agencies etc. 2. Convergence of Research and Extension Technical workshops – with SAUs & KVKsTechnical workshops – with SAUs & KVKs Allotment of one scientist from SAU to each districtAllotment of one scientist from SAU to each district Training of master trainers in SAUs & KVKsTraining of master trainers in SAUs & KVKs Training of farmers group leaders for technology disseminationTraining of farmers group leaders for technology dissemination
(Target ) S.N. Crop/ Crop Group Area (Lakh ha.) Production (Lakh MT.) Productivity (Kg/ha.) 1Rice Wheat Coarse cereals Pulses Food grains Future prospects for foodgrain production