GAFSP Bangladesh Project Consultation with CSOs February 20, 2011 CIRDAP Auditorium
Project development objective enhance the productivity of agriculture ( crop, livestock and fisheries) in selected agro-ecologically constrained and economically depressed areas, characterized predominantly by poor, smallholder farmer households.
components Technology generation Technology adoption Water management Technical assistance, capacity building and project management (linking small farmers to market - not approved)
Technology generation Purpose : generate and release new varieties that give higher yield and adapt to agro- ecological condition -rice ( submergence-heat-salt-tolerant, shorter maturation) -maize (higher yield) -oil seeds (shorter maturation, higher yield)
Technology generation-2 Sub components -development & release of new varieties -development of techno-agronomic practices -breed development for pond fishes (carp, tilapia, catfish)
Technology generation-3 Funded activities -research -incremental staffing and operating costs -validation and adaptation trial costs -collecting of fish breeders from natural resources -genetic stock upgrading of pond fish -training for plant and seed breeders, pathologists, etc
Techonology adoption -2 Purpose: enable farmers to adopt new technologies and management practices developed or promoted under this project
Technology adoption-2 Sub components - production and supply of quality seed and breeding material -farm-level productivity enhancement
Technology adoption-3 Funded Activities -upgrading facilities for production and supply of breeder, foundation and certified seeds for targeted crops, -enhancing facilities for enhanced availability of good quality fish fry and fingerlings at farmers level -enhancing hatchery facilities and improving quality management for day-old chicks -scaling up artificial insemination program and animal vaccine
Technology adoption 4 -extension and advisory support to farmers ’ groups -formation of community based productive assets -scaling up of existing and promising technologies (spices, mung beans, high value vegetables)
Water management Purpose : improve water use, promote economic use of surface water to significantly increase agricultural productivity Sub components: -conservation/ use of surface water -water efficient agriculture
Water management-2 Funded Activities Surface water control and conservation (augmenting small rivers, canals, ponds,etc0 Rain water harvesting (water capture) Investments in irrigation infrastructure Promotion of on farm water management practices Capacity building and support for water users’ association
Technical assistance (TA), capacity building, project mgt Purpose : -develop public sector capacity for program development in agri, food security -build implementation capacity of key agencies
TA - 2 Funded Activities: Building skills and technical expertise in sectoral policy planning and water design Strengthening existing organizations, procedures and regulatory systems HRD especially for extension personnel agro – ecological database and land use plans project management support
Focus areas and crops AREAS -tidal affected areas(south) -Drought prone (SW, NE) -Flood-prone ((NE) -For water mgt : south and north parts, Greater Sylhet CROPS: -rice, corn, oil seeds -Chicken -Carp, tilapia, catfish
Project M and E (see hand out)
Implementation Arrangements MOA as lead, with MLF -BARC, BARI, BRRI, BINA,BADC, DAE, DAM, AIS Pro ject Management Unit (Project Director) Pro ject Steering Committee -MOA secretary as head -MoF (Eco Relations), MLF, Mfood Disaster/Mgt -Private sector and CBOs, whenever appropriate
Sustainability measures Project activities to be implemented primarily through farmers/beneficiaries groups -clear eligible criteria ( willingness, capacity) - 30% of members are women or women only groups Intensive capacity building and TA for farmer groups, field implementors Tech disemination by farmer-led, farmer-farmer mechanisms Targets small and marginal farmers, women, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups Activities should not have adverse environmental impact
Budget $50 M for high priority areas ( see hand- out) from GAFSP $17.5 M from GoB
What do you think? Opinions, comments, feedback? Engage or not engage? -how? Recommendations? Your needs to be able to engage more effectively?
Thank you for your attention