Maintaining Your Rain Garden
You can do better than this!
Rain Garden Maintenance All gardens need some maintenance All gardens need some maintenance Rain Gardens are no exception! Rain Gardens are no exception!
Rain Garden Maintenance Right after planting Right after planting First growing season First growing season During droughts later During droughts later Water my rain garden?
Rain Garden Maintenance Mulching: Add mulch annually Add mulch annually Take care not to bury plants Take care not to bury plants
Rain Garden Maintenance Mulching: Prevents hardpan Prevents hardpan Soaks up pollution Soaks up pollution
Rain Garden Maintenance Weeding until vegetation becomes established Weeding until vegetation becomes established Identify weeds carefully in spring – new good plants may come up also! Identify weeds carefully in spring – new good plants may come up also!
2003 Rain Garden Maintenance Prune annually Prune annually Or, choose the natural look! Or, choose the natural look!
Rain Garden Maintenance Frequently inspect for and remove debris and trash Frequently inspect for and remove debris and trash Remove pet waste Remove pet waste
Rain Garden Maintenance Replant vegetation as needed Monitor plant health, especially right after planting
+ 4 Hours +18 Hours Do I need to treat for mosquitoes?
Do I need to fertilize? Free annual soil testing at NCDA!! Free annual soil testing at NCDA!! Runoff is usually nitrogen-rich Runoff is usually nitrogen-rich Remember…we’re trying to remove chemicals from the water Remember…we’re trying to remove chemicals from the water Photo courtesy of Maryland DNR
How can I find out more about Rain Gardens? See your Extension Agent! See your Extension Agent! On-line handbooks, photos, planting plans: On-line handbooks, photos, planting plans: Wilmington, NC Wilmington, NC University of Wisconsin Extension University of Wisconsin Extension Maplewood, MN Maplewood, MN