CABRI-Volga Cooperation Along a Big RIver: Institutional coordination among stakeholders for environmental risk management in the Volga basin International Scientific and Industrial Forum «Great Rivers 2004» May, Nizhniy Novgorod
CABRI-Volga Project basis UNESCO Volga initiative: 1st phase – Volga Vision 2nd phase – Extrabudgetary projects 2nd phase – UNESCO Caspian initiative … … CABRI-Volga 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission International cooperation programme INCO
CABRI-Volga Information about the project INCO Proposal Research objectives: Environmental protection Management of environmental risks associated with man-made changes, industrial and agricultural wastes including risks to soil, water, air and the food chain and possible remediation
CABRI-Volga Information about the project Duration: January, 2005 – December, 2006 Mission statement: The development of international cooperation for The environmental risk management, sustainable development and enhancing human security in the Volga basin through improving institutional cooperation and partnership between multiple stakeholders, and strengthening researches potential.
CABRI-Volga Project goals To mobilise existing human and institutional resources and increase the research potential on environmental risk management, to link Europe’s environmental research more strongly to research programs at the international level; To provide a concrete contribution to major EU and international policy goals (Water Initiative, the UN Millennium Development Goals); To strengthen the links between the scientific communities and policy-making processes by establishing a dialogue on mutual demands and practical needs, and by providing policy guidance and knowledge transfer;
CABRI-Volga Project goals To follow an integrative approach for management of anthropogenic environmental risks in the Volga basin, emphasizing institutional cooperation To develop a long-term perspective for scientific cooperation and experience exchange on integrated environmental risk management in larger river basins; contributing to the promotion of environmental and human security in Russia and in Europe as a whole.
CABRI-Volga Project emphasis: institutional factors Analysis of conditions: Horizontal and vertical coordination of administrations responsible for environmental risk management Existing and potential conflicts of interests Participation of interest groups in the policy - making process Implementation of and demands in the environmental legislation
CABRI-Volga Analysis of links between the participants of the development process and management in the basin: non-existing cooperation links and demands for them existing but inefficient cooperation links with room for improvement efficient cooperation links with possibilities for replication Project emphasis: institutional factors
CABRI-Volga Analysis of mechanisms: strengths and weaknesses of the basin environmental programmes, realization experience quality of monitoring systems and information exchange institutional effectiveness Project emphasis: institutional factors
CABRI-Volga CABRI targets: International partner networks Local partner networks Existing projects, programmes and initiatives Institutional mechanisms: the establishment of a Basin Council the establishment of Small Rivers Fund the establishment of the National Committee of the International Human Dimensions Programme
CABRI-Volga CABRI targets: Institutional instruments: Ecological Doctrine of the Russian Federation, Volga Revival Programme Water Code of the Russian Federation Development of international projects Contribution to the realization of strategies and implementation of standards
CABRI-Volga realization plan
CABRI-Volga Working Groups: 1.River & Environmental Rehabilitation 2.Human Security and Vulnerability 3.Natural Resources & their Sustainable Use 4.Connecting Goods and People 5.Institutional Coordination & Cooperation
CABRI-Volga Work packages: 1.Inception 2.State-of-the-art and good practices 3.Scenario development 4.Recommendations and future actions 5.Evaluation, dissemination and exploitation of results 6.Project management and scientific coordination
CABRI-Volga Tangible projects outputs Self-standing project documents based on: · expert discussions in the working groups · materials and reports provided by the participants and project partners · consensus achieved during expert discussions Established networks of experts and stake holders, incl.: · at the national level - networks of interest groups within the Volga basin · at the international level - networks ro facilitate the exchange of experience between Europe and Russia/NIS
CABRI-Volga Tangible projects outputs Operational tools, such as: · website as a knowledge pool and contact database · newsletters and press statements · publications, containing project materials and results · policy briefs Concrete proposals to contribute to the existing initiatives on the development of coordination mechanisms along the basin, such as: · the establishment of the Volga Basin Council · the establishment of a State Fund for the Protection of Small Rivers in the Volga Basin · the establishment of a National Committee for the International Human Dimension Programme on Global Environmental Change
CABRI-Volga Participants and partners of the project Consortium: 9 EU organizations 9 RF organizations Project coordinators Working groups Coordinators Work packages Coordinators Partners network: around 130 organizations NGOs Municipal administrations State Duma (Parliament) of Russia Business and commercial organizations Scientific society International organizations Other partners
Consortium Participants
CABRI-Volga Consortium partners and stakeholders from the EU
CABRI-Volga Project partners and stakeholders from Russia
CABRI-Volga For EU: Mr Frank Wefering Rupprecht Consult Forschung & Beratung GmbH Waltherstr Cologne Germany Tel.: Fax: Web: For Russia/NIS: Mr Serguei Smirnov UNESCO Moscow Office 15/28, Bolshoi Levshinsky per.,bld Moscow Russia Tel.: /8166/8759, ext. 121 Fax: Web: Contact information: