Henry David Thoreau Ana Berthel and Liz Guilmette
Life and Works Born July 12, 1817 Lived most of life in Concord, Massachusetts Graduated from Harvard University in 1837 Lived alone in wilderness for two years as an experiment Most famous works: Walden and "Civil Disobedience" Also kept extensive journal Died May 6, 1862 from tuberculosis
Transcendentalist Movement American Literary/Philosophical movement that stressed self-reliance and returning to nature Thoreau one of the main Transcendental writers Tested his philosophy by living in the wild for two years o Walden Believed society and people's lives needed to be simplified
Thoreau's Contributions Philosophy about society not appreciated well in its time Greater influence in 20 th century o "Civil Disobedience" inspired people such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Mohandas Gandhi
Civil Disobedience and Abolitionism Essay stressed the people's ability to overthrow laws/government that did not benefit them o People have a right to break laws they find unfair in order to change them Believed slavery was unjust and oppressive Nonviolent Protest
Thoreau's Contributions Part of the Underground Railroad Spoke out against and protested the Fugitive Slave Acts Advocated civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance Defended John Brown's extreme abolitionist actions
Quotes from Walden & "Civil Disobedience" "Our life is frittered away by detail." "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" "Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito's wing that falls on the rails." "Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded or shall we transgress them at once?"
Citations ABC-CLIO, Web. 2 Apr "Brown, John." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 29 Mar Conrad, Randall. "Henry Thoreau: Who He Was & Why He Mattered." Henry Thoreau: Who He Was & Why He Mattered. Calliope Inc., 9 Aug Web. 02 Apr "Explore and Learn." Nobelprize.org. N.p., 1 Dec Web. 03 Apr "Fugitive Slave Acts." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 29 Mar Furtak, Rick Anthony, "Henry David Thoreau", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =. Harmon, Justin, et. al. "Henry David Thoreau." American History. Thoreau, Henry David. Civil Disobedience. Boston: David R. Godine, Print. Thoreau, Henry David. Walden, Or, Life in the Woods. New York: Dover Publications, Print. "Transcendentalism." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 29 Mar