“ Bioenergy Education and Training in Ireland – Experience and Future Priorities” IEA Bioenergy – Task 29, Streatley-on Thames, UK Thursday 19th June 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

“ Bioenergy Education and Training in Ireland – Experience and Future Priorities” IEA Bioenergy – Task 29, Streatley-on Thames, UK Thursday 19th June 2003 “ Bioenergy Education and Training in Ireland – Experience and Future Priorities” IEA Bioenergy – Task 29, Streatley-on Thames, UK Thursday 19th June 2003 Clifford Guest Tipperary Institute Thurles, Co. Tipperary Tel:

Summary Slide Tipperary Institute – Brief Introduction Bioenergy in Ireland – The Context An Innovative Approach to the Development of Bioenergy Education and Training Skills Experience of Training and Education In Bioenergy to Date Some Priorities for the Future

l Established by the Irish Government, opened to students in September 1999 l Integrated education and development institute l Activities: –Education - provision of diplomas, degrees and other courses –Research –Works with communities and business Background to the TI

Ireland’s Energy Supply Situation - Only 2 % Renewable Oil 52% Renewables 2% Natural Gas 20% Coal 16% Peat 10% Ireland spends some £ 5,000 Million every year on energy

* Source ESRI, 2000

Ireland’s Rapidly Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions Emissions will exceed our limit by over 12 Million tonnes/Year Energy is responsible for almost all of this increase Ireland’s Kyoto Limit * Source: REIO of Sustainable Energy Ireland

Ireland the best growing climate in Europe [m3/ha/year] * Source: REIO of Sustainable Energy Ireland

The use of Biomass in Europe in 2000 * Source: REIO of Sustainable Energy Ireland

Current Biomass Situation In Ireland Use is limited to –Landfill gas extraction and use –Wood use in wood processing industry and domestic sector –AD for industry and sewage treatment Some recent development in: –Farm based AD –SRC –Liquid Biofuels

The Development of Bioenergy Education and Training Skills at TI EU Altener Programme 1996: ‘Creation of a Community-based Biomass Education, Training and Support Unit in Tipperary’ 4 Partners: –Tipperary Institute –Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences –University of Southern Denmark –Teagasc – The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority 3 Phases: 1.Action research phase 2.Training 3.Definition of services

The Development of Bioenergy Education and Training Skills at TI 1. Action research phase –Allowed assessment of the state of the art in Ireland –Opportunity to build Irish network 2. Training –3 months in Sweden and Denmark –Comprehensive customised training programme –Opportunity to build International network 3. Definition of services –Opportunity to identify areas of opportunity

Some Further Developments EU Altener Projects: –“Implementation, Development and Transfer of biomass expertise by TRBDI” –“Renewable Energy Development through Community Ownership and Partnership” National Co-ordinators: –Agriculture and Forestry Biomass Network (AFB-net) –Waste for Energy Network (WFE-net) –EUBIONET –Bioexcell Tipperary Energy Agency Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA)

Some Training Activities to Date 5 major workshops on bioenergy since 1998 Numerous presentations to interested groups Half day and full day training sessions with community groups and development organisations AFB-net Workshop at TI

TI Certificate in Renewable Energy First of its type in Ireland Strong demand (2 nd cycle now completed) One evening per week over the academic year Core focus of developing practitioners in the area of Renewable Energy supply Use of external ‘expert speakers’ Seven day-long field trips Continuous assessment throughout, includes group work and individual development plan Class number of c25

TI Certificate in Renewable Energy Course Outline: –Introduction to Renewable Energy 6 Hours –Renewable Energy Technologies30 Hours –Policy and Legislation 9 Hours –Planning and Consultation 6 Hours –Project Finance and Organisation 9 Hours –Project Management 9 Hours –Review 12 Hours –Site Visits 40 Hours

Introduction to Renewable Energy Course Designed for a LEADER company and Energy Agency 30 hours over 10 nights One field trip Introduction to Renewable energy and Energy Terminology RE Policy Planning and Consultation Finance and Business Planning Main focus on the different technologies (6 sessions) Some exemptions allowed between the course and the Certificate in RE Delivered off campus

Some Priorities for the Future Continue with one off training, workshops and conferences Domestic Energy Certificate In the future: –Diploma –Degree –Masters

Priorities for the Future Some key requests from clients are: Comprehensive details on technical aspects Accurate and detailed facts on finance Relevant site visits and the use of case studies The use of expert speakers with day to day experience Access to user friendly pre feasibility software Flexible learning formats

Priorities for the Future Some key issues emerging are: –Different scales need to be catered for Large/Farm Scale/Domestic –Collection of good data on developing projects and agreed information sharing needed –Specific technical education and training also needed

Conclusion –Those involved in the delivery of education and training in bioenergy can benefit greatly from quality training themselves –The importance of a strong international network to inform those delivering education and training material of the latest developments is vital –Key stakeholders in Ireland include Policy makers Developers Community Groups Funders Educators/Trainers

Conclusion –There is a growing need for renewable energy education and training in Ireland –This is also true for bioenergy especially in the areas of –Anaerobic digestion –Short rotation coppice –Wood for heat –Education and training in the field of bioenergy in Ireland is vital if the considerable potential to contribute to renewable energy is to be realised

Thank you for your Attention Clifford Guest Tipperary Institute Thurles, Co. Tipperary Tel: