ВЫПОЛНИЛА: Учитель английского языка Краснопёрова О.Н. « S TAR H OUR » USA ( « S TAR H OUR » USA ( GAME - COMPETITION )
P ART I. «S YMBOLS » 1. How is the flag of the US called? ("Stars and Stripes ".) 2. How many stars are there on the flag of the USA? (50.) 3. How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA?(13.) 4. Why are there 13 stripes on the flag of the USA? (There is one stripe for each of the first 13 colonies of the USA.) 5. What is the official national symbol of the USA?(The bald eagle.)
6. What does the eagle have?(An olive branch and arrows.) 7. What does an olive branch mean?(A symbol of peace.) 8. What do arrows mean?(Symbol of strength.) 9. What is an official song of the USA? ("The star-spangled Banner ".) 10. Where can we see the Statue of Liberty? (In New York on Liberty Island.)
P ART II. "T HE H ISTORY OF THE USA" 1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in: a) 1402; b) 1482; c)1492; d) Christopher Columbus discovered: a) Central America; b) North America; c) South America; d) The United States of America.
3. The "Mayflower" is: a) the name of a season; b) the name of the first English settlement in America; c) the name of a flower; d) the name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth for the New Wold in The first colonists started the tradition of: a) Halloween; c) Thanksgiving Day; b) Independence Day; d) Memorial Day.
5. Christopher Columbus was born in: a) England; c) Spain; b) America; d) Italy. 7. There were... colonies in America in 1733: a) 13; b) 7; c) 21; d) 10.
Part III. "The Geographical Outlook" There are words: 1) the Mississippi; 2) the Colorado River; 3) the Grand Canyon; 4) Hawaii; 5) New Mexico; 6) the Caribbean Sea; 7) the Pacific Ocean. You should listen to my statements and raise cards with numbers. 1. It is one of America's main tourist attractions. 2. It rises in the Rocky Mountains. 3. It washes the USA in the south. 4. It is called "the father of waters". 5. This state is not connected to the other states. Key: 1-3; 2-2; 3-6; 4-1; 5-4.
Part IV. "American Presidents" Participants should match numbers and letters. 1) Abraham Lincoln... 2) Franklin Roosevelt... 3) George Washington. 4) Bill Clinton... 5) John F. Kennedy... 6) Thomas Jefferson... a) the 42 American President; b) the 1st American President; c) the 32nd American President; d) the 3rd American President; e) the 16lh American President; f) the 35th American President. Key: 1-е; 2-с; 3-b; 4-a; 5-f; 6-d.
Part V. "Holidays There are words on the screen. I read the statements and if I am right students should raise the card "0", if I am wrong they should raise the card with the number of the word in which I am mistaken. 1. Christmas, Martin Luther King's Birthday, St. Valentine's Day. ("0") 2. Green, black, orange. ("1") 3. St. Patrick's Day, Halloween,Thanksgiving Day. ("3") 4. Thanksgiving Day, Flag Day, Columbus Day. 5. Father's Day, Flag Day, Mother's Day. ("2") ("0")
The Final Make as many words as you can out of the words: HOSPITABLE.